"Pu" Thu Ha has a noisy confession to a drunken brother

Thùy Trang |

2 years ago, Thu Ha Ceri had the opportunity to confess her love to "Drunk Brother" Hai Dang Doo on television.

Thu Ha Ceri is a name that young audiences are interested in thanks to the movie "Walking in the Roaring Sky". She plays the female lead Pu, who has a tragic love affair with Chai (played by Long Vu).

Previously, Thu Ha Ceri appeared in many TV series such as "Thuong ngay nang ve", "Mon qua cua cha" or movies "Mong cua" and "Lat mat 7".

Thu Ha started out as a model, participating in several entertainment game shows before switching to acting.

When participating in the program "Perfect Confession" in 2022, the actress was also "shipped" with singer Hai Dang Doo.

Thu Ha's good looks and lively personality made Otis and Duc Ung press the button to confess their love to her right on stage. However, Thu Ha refused because she wanted to give her feelings to the person she had her eye on - Hai Dang Doo.

Thu Ha Ceri sent each of the eight guys in the show a letter, along with small gifts of candy and betel and areca nuts. However, Hai Dang Doo received an additional special gift of a con fruit, a love token of the Tay people.

When expressing her feelings for Hai Dang, Thu Ha said she met Hai Dang Doo when he performed at a high school near her house. After that, she fell in love with Hai Dang through the videos he posted on TikTok.

Thu Ha Ceri even staged a wedding scene, with groomsmen and wedding dresses to confess her love to Hai Dang Doo.

However, Hai Dang Doo refused to leave with Thu Ha because he did not feel that he had much feelings for her.

"When I accept to love someone, I have to be really sure that I will give them all the best things, all my love. Therefore, I did not dare to respond to your confession right away" - the male singer shared.

Hai Dang Doo cua “Anh trai say hi” tung noi tieng khi tham gia show hen ho. Anh: Nha san xuat
Hai Dang Doo of “Anh trai say hi” was once famous when participating in a dating show. Photo: Producer

Thu Ha's grand and elaborate confession to Hai Dang Doo is famous and often shared.

Now, she is dating a boyfriend outside the industry. When asked about her boyfriend's strengths, Thu Ha Ceri expressed: "Being talented, decisive and handsome are the things that caught my attention." Thu Ha Ceri's boyfriend also wholeheartedly supports his girlfriend's career.

Thu Ha Ceri's real name is Luong Thu Ha, born in 2002. She is of the Tay ethnic group, from Lang Son. The actress comes from a family with economic difficulties, both parents are tailors.

Since grade 10, she became famous as a model for advertising lookbooks. The online community calls Thu Ha a hot girl of the Tay ethnic group thanks to her smart and sharp beauty.

As for Thu Ha's old crush, Hai Dang Doo, his career has also progressed. He participated in "Anh trai say hi" and impressed with his handsome appearance, tall figure and good performance ability.

Hai Dang Doo was born in 2000, has more than 2.6 million followers on TikTok, is known for participating in game shows such as "Perfect Confession", "Perfect Class"...

He once won the championship of "Born to be a pair" - a music competition. After the program, Hai Dang Doo had the song "Chuyen chung ta sau sau" which received attention. The singer also collaborated with a Thai artist, remaking the song "Mong Nan Nan" - a hit that went viral (shared) all over the world.

Thùy Trang

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Thùy Trang |

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