Say hi Negav brother lost points in the eyes of the audience again


Rapper Negav made many audiences angry because he was carefree about the right thing to do when he dropped out of school at the Anh trai say hi concert.

During the concert, Napper Negav said: "While I'm standing here, I want to talk to my mom. Mom, do you see? Do you think it was right to let me stay home from school?"

The video recording Negav's statement quickly spread on social networks and caused a stir in public opinion.

Many people think that this is a thoughtless statement, causing negative impacts on the audience's thinking. Especially since most of Negav's fans are young audiences, still in school.

Although many of his fans believe that this is the rapper's way of showing pride in his success in his artistic career, it is not appropriate in the context of a concert with tens of thousands of young audiences.

Previously, Negav shared in the media about his decision to drop out of college. On the show Brilliant Journey, he said that he had been in college for 2 months. Negav's mother also agreed with his decision to drop out. "From the beginning, my mother knew I didn't like going to college," the rapper shared with actress Thuy Ngan on television.

In recent times, Negav has repeatedly caused controversy with his old statements on social networks. Netizens have "dug up" old posts on his personal Facebook page. The male rapper has posted many vulgar and harassing words towards other artists. Most recently, Negav continued to respond to anti-fans with sensitive slang words.

During his participation in Say Hi Brother, Negav's fan base skyrocketed, becoming one of the most notable "brothers".

While the show's songs dominated YouTube, his new product "Only Me" reached Top 1 Trending on YouTube, proving the rapper's great influence on digital platforms.

However, with the controversial statements of the male rapper, many people think that Negav is losing points in the eyes of the audience.


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HIEUTHUHAI, Anh Tú Atus và các Anh trai say hi thu hút nhất


Theo bảng xếp hạng BSI về top 10 nhân vật có tầm ảnh hưởng trên mạng xã hội, HIEUTHUHAI, Anh Tú Atus và loạt Anh trai say hi góp mặt.

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