Ministry of Public Security talks about promotion to the rank of Lieutenant 1 year in advance

Bảo Tuấn |

The Ministry of Public Security has answered readers about whether they can be considered for promotion to the rank of Senior Lieutenant 1 year early because they held the rank of Sergeant for 3 years while studying.

Reader Tran Thanh Minh asked: I am a conscript who went to school and graduated in 2020. While studying at school, I held the rank of Sergeant Major from 2017-2020. After graduating, I held the rank of Second Lieutenant .

In 2022 I will be promoted to Lieutenant. So in my case in 2024, can I be promoted to Senior Lieutenant 1 year earlier because I studied for 3 years as a Sergeant?

Responding to this content on the Electronic Information Portal, the Ministry of Public Security said that, based on Clause 3, Article 6 of Circular No. 63/2022/TT-BCA dated December 22, 2022 of the Minister of Public Security regulating the conferment and promotion of ranks for graduates and students completing courses at schools inside and outside the People's Public Security, "Students who are non-commissioned officers and conscripts upon graduating from university level will be transferred from the rank allowance they are enjoying to the rank salary and will be promoted to the rank from Second Lieutenant.

If a student has held the rank of Sergeant Major for 3 years or more (not counting the time holding the rank due to an extension), the time limit for consideration for promotion to the next rank (Lieutenant) will be shortened by 1 year.

However, at the time reader Tran Thanh Minh graduated from university (2020) and when reader Minh was due for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, the Ministry of Public Security had no regulations on shortening the promotion period to the next rank (Lieutenant) for students who were non-commissioned officers on duty who graduated from university (Circular No. 63/2022/TT-BCA effective from February 5, 2023). Circular No. 63/2022/TT-BCA also did not have "retroactive" regulations for cases where non-commissioned officers graduated from university and were due for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant before the Circular took effect.

Therefore, in the case of reader Tran Thanh Minh, the time limit for consideration for promotion to the rank of Senior Lieutenant is not shortened according to the provisions of Circular No. 63/2022/TT-BCA.

Bảo Tuấn

Lương thượng úy quân nhân chuyên nghiệp tăng lên bao nhiêu?

Hoàng Lê |

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nhóm pv |

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Nguyễn Đạt |

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Tuyên Quang xét nghiệm nước gấp, nghi vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn

Việt Bắc |

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