Support level for redundant communal civil servants in Quang Tri

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Commune civil servants who retire early and quit their jobs immediately due to redundancy due to administrative unit rearrangement in Quang Tri will enjoy support policies until the end of December 2024.

Resolution No. 88/2022/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Quang Tri province (effective from January 1, 2023) stipulates support policies for commune and town officials and civil servants who retire early or quit their jobs immediately due to redundancy due to administrative unit rearrangement in Quang Tri province.

Accordingly, the subjects of application of the policy in the Resolution are redundant cadres and civil servants in communes and towns who are arranged by administrative units to retire early and quit their jobs immediately according to Decree No. 108/2014/ND-CP dated November 20, 2014 of the Government on the policy of streamlining payroll and related documents.

Not applicable subjects include:

- Cadres and civil servants in communes and towns that have administrative units arranged but are not redundant and cadres and civil servants in communes and towns that do not have administrative units arranged to implement the policy of streamlining payroll.

- Commune and town officials who are enjoying retirement benefits and are redundant.

- Commune and town officials who retire early due to not meeting the age requirements for re-election or reappointment according to the provisions of Decree No. 26/2015/ND-CP dated March 9, 2015 of the Government stipulating the regime and policies for officials who are not meeting the age requirements for re-election or reappointment to hold positions and titles according to their terms in agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State, and socio-political organizations.

- Commune and town cadres and civil servants will have their payroll reduced but their retirement age will be calculated according to regulations before December 31, 2024.

According to the Resolution, the support policy includes the following applicable subjects:

- Each commune and town cadre and civil servant who retires before the age prescribed by the current Government policy will receive support of half a month of current salary and allowances for each year of work with social insurance contributions.

- Each commune and town cadre and civil servant who quits his/her job outside the current policy of the Government will be supported with 1 month of current salary and allowances for each year of work with social insurance contributions, the lowest support level is 6 months of current salary and allowances.

- The support regime under this Resolution is paid once after the decision of retirement or immediate termination of employment is made by the competent authority.

Regarding the time to calculate the support regime, if the time to calculate the support regime has an odd month, it will be rounded up according to the principle that less than 3 months will not be counted, from 3 months to 6 months will be counted as 1/2 year; from more than 6 months to less than 12 months will be counted as 1 year.

The support policy under the above Resolution is implemented from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024.

Thục Quyên (T/H)

Bộ Nội vụ nêu việc xếp lương công chức xã làm việc từ 2012


Theo Bộ Nội vụ, việc xếp lương đối với công chức cấp xã được tuyển dụng từ tháng 8.2012 được áp dụng theo quy định tại Nghị định số 92/2009/NĐCP của Chính phủ.

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Thục Quyên |

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Thục Quyên |

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The Ministry of Home Affairs has outlined the salary arrangements for commune civil servants working since 2012


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Thục Quyên |

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Thục Quyên |

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