Monthly allowance level of village captain in Gia Lai, Dak Lak

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The monthly allowance level for village captains in Gia Lai, Dak Lak is specified in the Resolution of the People's Councils of these provinces.

Resolution No. 131/2020/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Gia Lai province stipulates:

Article 1. Regulations on the monthly allowance of the Village Captain is 745,000 VND.

Article 2. Regulations on labor day allowances for on-site militia, mobile militia, air defense militia, artillery, reconnaissance, information, engineering, chemical defense, and health in the province is 119,200 VND. In case the time to perform the obligation to join the Militia and Self-Defense Force is extended according to the decision of the competent authority, the additional allowance level is 59,600 VND.

Resolution No. 17/2020/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Dak Lak province stipulates:

Article 1. Issuing a Resolution on monthly allowances of village captains and working day allowances for militiamen in the province as follows:

1. Scope of regulation: This Resolution regulates the monthly allowances of Village Captains, Village Captains and Team Leaders (collectively referred to as Village Captains); Labor day allowance and increased labor day allowance for Militia.

2. Subjects of application: Village captains; militia members participate in performing tasks according to regulations; State agencies, organizations and individuals related to militias.

3. Spending content and spending level

a) The Village Captain's monthly allowance is equal to 745,000 VND.

b) Labor day allowance and increased labor day allowance:

- Labor day allowance for on-site militia, mobile militia, air defense militia, artillery, reconnaissance, information, engineering, chemical defense, medical, and standing militia is equal to 135,000 VND .

- The additional working day allowance level is increased in case the duration of the obligation to participate in the Militia and Self-Defense Force is extended according to the decision of the competent authority for the subjects at Point b, Clause 3, this Article. equal to 59,600 VND.

According to Decree 72/2020/ND-CP regulating the monthly allowance regime of Village Militia Captains, for Village Captains: The monthly allowance level is submitted to the Council by the Provincial People's Committee. decided by the people at the same level but not lower than 745,000 VND.

Thục Quyên (T/H)

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