Sexual harassment comments like Negav's are a social reality

Thùy Trang |

After the uproar, Negav locked all social media accounts and canceled his schedule, but the controversy did not stop there.

In recent days, when facing a series of noisy scandals from sensitive statements, Negav has apologized 4 times on many different platforms.

On the evening of October 2, the male rapper locked all social media accounts, from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Threads, and announced the cancellation of all upcoming schedules.

Several brands that have collaborated with and are scheduled to invite Negav have also removed the rapper's image. There are rumors that Negav will be absent from the upcoming Anh trai say hi concert.

However, some viewers question whether Negav can still return to showbiz because he still has a large number of fans supporting him.

Under Negav's apology posts, there are still thousands of supportive comments. Negav's fan club still tells each other to patiently wait for Negav to get through the storm.

Speaking with Lao Dong, MSc. Le Dinh Quyet - Lecturer at Hanoi Law University, Senior Advisor at LVI Law Firm - said that although there are still fans supporting him, it is clear that brands have removed Negav's photos, and many viewers have spoken out against it.

"Young people today are quite open about gender-related issues. Their views and approaches to this topic are also very different. Many young people still body-shame others and do not care about how the listener will be affected.

Commenting on appearance, commenting on sexual topics, and sexual harassment are social realities that are happening among young people, especially on social media.

Most of Negav's fans are quite young, just students. Maybe many people read Negav's quotes and find them normal, because in their daily conversations, they still hear them often, and even use them. They still do not turn their backs, still support and protect Negav. This situation is very worrying," Mr. Le Dinh Quyet shared.

Thac si Le Dinh Quyet. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Master Le Dinh Quyet. Photo: Provided by the character

Before the scandal, Negav was called "the youngest fool", "little An" because of his naive and innocent personality when playing game shows. After 3 months of becoming a star, with each account having hundreds of thousands of followers, Negav gradually lost control.

When the audience commented on his weak live singing and lack of talent, Negav replied: "And yet he is still famous and successful. How annoying."

With the statement "Do you think it's right to let me stay home from school?" in front of thousands of viewers, Negav was further criticized for being arrogant and presumptuous.

When the male rapper was "dug up" about establishing a group of 3,000 members, using vulgar and crude language, many people were shocked because at that time, he was only 19 years old.

Negav's personality in real life seems to be very different from the image he built on the game show. After just 1 night, the halo of "the hit maker" for Say Hi Brother collapsed.

Experts say that Negav is suffering the consequences of his unethical and uncivilized actions: "In recent days, Negav has been strongly condemned, boycotted by the online community, and brands have removed his images. Public opinion has created a great impact, deterring individuals from doing inappropriate things."

Negav bi tay chay, chi trich vi phat ngon dung tuc trong qua khu. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Negav was boycotted and criticized for his vulgar statements in the past. Photo: Facebook character

In reality, sexually suggestive comments and jokes are often taken lightly. Meanwhile, victims are still hesitant and afraid of social prejudice, so they do not speak up to report sexual harassment.

From an expert's perspective, young people need to be clearly aware of body shaming and other forms of sexual abuse and harassment, and need to have a strict attitude and condemn such actions.

"Not only in Vietnam but also in many Asian countries, victims dare to speak out for fear of affecting their personal image. However, sexual harassment is a serious problem. Ethically, each person needs to have a clear point of view and a strict attitude towards harassment. Legally, state agencies and management agencies need to take serious action, investigate and verify sexual harassment. For those who are harassed, they need to be brave enough to stand up to denounce the behavior, speak up to protect their own legitimate rights and interests," said Master Le Dinh Quyet.

Thùy Trang

Nhãn hàng gỡ hình ảnh Negav trước làn sóng kêu gọi tẩy chay


Khán giả cho rằng, việc các nhãn hàng gỡ hình ảnh quảng cáo của Negav là hành động cần thiết và kịp thời để tránh ảnh hưởng tiêu cực.

Loạt nghệ sĩ Việt bị tố liên quan đến nhóm của Negav

Chí Long |

Trung Quân nhanh chóng xin lỗi, trong khi Orange và một số sao Việt khác cố gắng thanh minh khi bị réo tên trong ồn ào liên quan đến nhóm nhạy cảm của Negav.

Từ nhóm của Negav đến vụ quấy rối tình dục trên mạng xã hội

Thùy Trang |

Những phát ngôn thô tục của Negav trong quá khứ gây phẫn nộ giữa bối cảnh vấn nạn quấy rối tình dục trên mạng diễn ra tinh vi, khó kiểm soát.

Thông tin bán nhà ở xã hội Hạ Đình là lừa đảo

Nhóm phóng viên |

Trao đổi với Báo Lao Động, đại diện UDIC cho biết thông tin bán nhà ở xã hội 214 Nguyễn Xiển, khu đô thị mới Hạ Đình, Hà Nội là sai lệch nhằm lừa đảo, chiếm đoạt tiền của người dân.

Ai đã dựng lên hình ảnh “Út Khờ” trong sáng cho Negav?

Lan Anh |

Khi những bình luận thô tục mang tính quấy rối tình dục của Negav bị “đào lại”, hình tượng trong sáng trên truyền hình thực tế của nam rapper đã sụp đổ.

Cứu nhân viên nhà nghỉ ở Hải Phòng mắc kẹt trong thang máy

Hoàng Khôi |

Hải Phòng - Sáng 3.10, Công an TP Hải Phòng thông tin vụ cứu hộ một nhân viên bị kẹt thang máy ở quận Đồ Sơn.

Đón sóng tăng của chứng khoán?

Gia Miêu |

Dòng tiền trên thị trường chứng khoán đã sôi động trở lại và tích cực hướng vào nhóm cổ phiếu vốn hóa lớn trước mùa công bố báo cáo tài chính quý III/2024.

Cách tất cả chức vụ 1 Chủ tịch Hội Nông dân xã ở Hải Dương

Công Hòa |

Hải Dương - Chủ tịch một Hội Nông dân xã ở Hải Dương đã bị cách tất cả các chức vụ, khai trừ ra khỏi Đảng vì tham ô tiền hỗ trợ.

Brand removes Negav image amid boycott calls


Audiences believe that brands removing Negav's advertising images is a necessary and timely action to avoid negative impacts.

A series of Vietnamese artists were accused of being related to Negav's group

Chí Long |

Trung Quan quickly apologized, while Orange and several other Vietnamese stars tried to clarify when their names were mentioned in the scandal related to Negav's sensitive group.

From Negav's group to social media sexual harassment

Thùy Trang |

Negav's vulgar statements in the past have caused outrage amid the sophisticated and difficult-to-control problem of online sexual harassment.