A series of Vietnamese artists were accused of being related to Negav's group

Chí Long |

Trung Quan quickly apologized, while Orange and several other Vietnamese stars tried to clarify when their names were mentioned in the scandal related to Negav's sensitive group.

In recent days, Negav has become the focus of attention of the online community because of past posts.

Most recently, the male rapper was "dug up" for creating and managing a Facebook group with most of the posts containing offensive and obscene content.

This Facebook group was created in January 2020 and now has thousands of members. Despite only being active for a short time, Negav has been criticized for using vulgar and offensive language.

In the group, the male rapper also posted a mocking and insulting post about the couple Hua Minh Dat - Lam Vi Da. At the same time, netizens also discovered that Negav repeatedly made obscene comments on posts by friends, acquaintances or on the Fanpages of some artists, including Son Tung M-TP.

Negav dang la tam diem chi trich cua du luan. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Negav is the focus of public criticism. Photo: Facebook character

Not only Negav, many Vietnamese stars were also mentioned for being present, even posting in this group such as singer Trung Quan, Orange, Lena, Tung Maru, Rum, Huynh Tu, T.R.I, rapper Minh Lai...

Under pressure from public opinion, some young artists have had different reactions to the incident.

As one of the first people to speak out about the noise of joining Negav's sensitive group, singer Trung Quan frankly apologized to the public.

The male singer said that in early 2020, when the trend of admiring objects such as rice cookers, electric bicycles... emerged, he was invited to join this group and did not care much because he thought this was a public group with normal content - harmless.

"Quan thinks that in a public group, all the content posted is a joke because everyone can see it. Quan guarantees that 100% of the content posted by Quan on this group is a joke and does not contain any deviant or negative thoughts!", Trung Quan said.

The male singer apologized for the unintentional joke in the past that turned into a negative story in the present. Trung Quan said that this will be a lesson for him to continue to correct and change himself so that the incident does not happen again in the future.

Meanwhile, on the Threads account, singer Orange explained that she was added to the group but never interacted.

"At first, I saw that the group had many artists but didn't understand the content so I posted a question. After that, I left the group and am no longer a member of it," she said.

Orange khang dinh khong con la thanh vien trong nhom tu lau. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Orange confirmed that she is no longer a member of the group. Photo: Facebook character

Similarly, singers Rum, Gumiho, and Sabirose were also added to the group without any clear reason. Rum said he saw that there were many artist friends in the group, so he "posted a post to both ask questions and joke around for fun."

Singer Lena is one of those who posted vulgar content in the group. She said that it used to be a closed group but was opened to the public in 2020 and has since become increasingly deformed.

Lena admitted that it was "a stupid joke, I thought it was funny at the time, now I find it rude". The singer confirmed that she had left the group and had nothing to do with the other offensive posts. She also stopped interacting with Negav on social media a long time ago.

Chí Long

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