4 things the Director of the Academy of Finance advises new graduates

Vân Trang |

The Director of the Academy of Finance reminded new graduates: "The knowledge the teachers impart is only the first step in the next life journey."

On the morning of August 3, nearly 300 students representing nearly 3,500 new graduates of the 58th regular university system of the Academy of Finance were present to attend the closing ceremony and awarding diplomas.

This year's closing ceremony and diploma awarding ceremony took place from August 3-11. This is a series of particularly important events marking the achievements, continuation and development of the Academy of Finance during more than 60 years of construction and development.

At the ceremony, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, had 4 extremely profound and meaningful messages to the new graduates.

First, Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung sent a message to the new graduates, receiving a diploma is not only their own joy and happiness, but also the pride of their family, clan and the Academy of Finance. main.

You must never forget your gratitude to your parents and grandparents who have accompanied you not only materially but also spiritually to help you get to where you are today. Standing up straight and rising in life with honesty is the greatest filial piety that children have for their parents.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, spoke at the graduation ceremony. Photo: Van Nga
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung, Director of the Academy of Finance, spoke at the graduation ceremony. Photo: Van Nga

Second, recall President Ho Chi Minh's words: "Financial economy is extremely important. If management is not strict, you will not know what is missing, what is redundant will not be good, work will be deadlocked", Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung advised new students:

"The knowledge that the teachers impart we hope you will develop. This is just the first step and in the next life journey for us to continue learning. And when we leave the Academy of Finance, we will Entering into the very difficult hardships of life, I hope that after graduating, you will become people with ambition, bringing Vietnam's financial system on par with the world's great powers.

Honoring outstanding students at the closing ceremony and awarding diplomas of the Academy of Finance. Photo: Van Nga
Honoring outstanding students at the closing ceremony and awarding diplomas of the Academy of Finance. Photo: Van Nga

Always engrave "Mind - Finance - Finance" in your career journey to bring you success and sustainable development."

The third thing Mr. Tung wants to send to new graduates is that they should always be united.

"We have connected alumni of the Academy of Finance. Hopefully this is a network and alumni will help them continue on their career development path" - Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Dao Tung said.

Finally, Mr. Tung expressed his hope that when students enter university, they will be proud of the Academy of Finance and 10 years from now, their teachers will be proud of them.

Reporting at the ceremony, Dr. Luu Huu Duc - Head of the Training Management Department - Academy of Finance said that the 58th regular university will open in September 2020 with the actual total number of students enrolling for the entire course. is 4,551 and divided into 126 classes. The CLC program includes 28 classes with a total of 700 students.

Among students qualified to graduate, 279 students achieved excellent grades (accounting for 7.76%); 1,384 students achieved excellent grades (accounting for 38.52%), 1,907 students achieved excellent grades (accounting for 53.06%) and 24 students achieved average grades (accounting for 0.67%).

The 2024 graduating valedictorian of the Academy of Finance is Hoang Ngoc Thao My, class CQ58/11.02, Faculty of Corporate Finance.

Vân Trang

Lưu ý khi đăng ký ngành hot Học viện Tài chính

Linh Chi |

TS Lưu Hữu Đức - Trưởng ban Quản lý Đào tạo đã đưa ra những lưu ý khi các thí sinh muốn đăng ký ngành hot Học viện Tài chính.

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Mức thu học phí dự kiến năm học 2024 - 2025 đã được Học viện Tài chính thông tin trong Đề án tuyển sinh.

Cách đăng ký nguyện vọng tăng cơ hội trúng tuyển Học viện Tài chính

Vân Trang |

TS Lưu Hữu Đức - Trưởng Ban Quản lý đào tạo - Học viện Tài chính chia sẻ cách đăng ký nguyện vọng tăng cơ hội trúng tuyển Học viện Tài chính năm 2024.

Vụ công trình làm nứt nhà dân ở Hà Nội, chính quyền nói gì?


Theo chính quyền phường Quang Trung, hình ảnh công nhân đang làm việc tại công trình số nhà 19, ngõ 136/98 Tây Sơn là để hút nước phòng dịch sốt xuất huyết.

Triều Tiên cho nổ tung tuyến đường bộ nối với Hàn Quốc

Khánh Minh |

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Thân tín của bà trùm ma túy Oanh "Hà" được trả công 15 tỉ

Việt Dũng |

Trong số hơn 626kg ma túy mua bán xuyên quốc gia do bà trùm Oanh "Hà" cầm đầu, Nguyễn Văn Nam có mặt hầu hết ở các chuyến hàng, nhận công hậu hĩnh.

Bất cập tiền công đức 2 đền ở Ninh Bình do nguồn thu quá lớn


Ninh Bình - Những tồn tại, bất cập trong việc quản lý tiền công đức tại đền Dâu và đền Quán Cháo (thành phố Tam Điệp) là do nguồn thu quá lớn.

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Note when registering for the hot major of the Academy of Finance

Linh Chi |

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Tuition fees for the Academy of Finance for the 2024 - 2025 school year


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Vân Trang |

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