Ministry of Education and Training informs on progress of building Law on Teachers

Vân Trang |

The Law on Teachers , when passed, will be good news, meeting the expectations of 1.6 million teachers nationwide.

Recently, information about the construction progress and provisions of the Law on Teachers has received great public attention.

The draft Law on Teachers proposes to prioritize teachers' salaries as the highest in all sectors. This is good news for millions of teachers across the country. In addition, the draft also has many new proposals to help ensure the legal and legitimate rights of teachers.

According to Minister Nguyen Kim Son, teachers play a very important role in determining the quality of education. Reality has proven that the development of education depends on the development of the teaching staff. The results of educational innovation depend on the innovation of each teacher.

Thus, the quality of an education depends on a very important part, which is the quality of the teaching staff. The quality of teachers depends on many factors. In addition to individual efforts, the spirit of continuous learning of each teacher, policies, working environment, methods of selecting, recruiting and developing teachers play an important role.

Based on that awareness, over the past long time, the Ministry of Education and Training has actively prepared theoretical and practical foundations to propose to the Party, State, and National Assembly to allow the construction of a separate Law regulating teachers.

By April 2024, the National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to submit to the National Assembly the drafting of the Law on Teachers to be included in the 2024 Law-making Program of the 15th National Assembly.

This is good news, meeting the expectations of 1.6 million teachers working in educational institutions across the country. Assigned the responsibility of presiding over the drafting of the Law on Teachers, after a period of drafting with many tasks, complicated processes, and difficult new content, on May 13, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the Draft Law on Teachers to widely solicit public opinion.

Regarding the progress of the development and promulgation of the Law on Teachers, Minister Nguyen Kim Son said that on August 27, the draft Law on Teachers was commented on by the Government at the Special Session on Law Development to be completed and submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee as prescribed. According to the plan, the draft Law on Teachers will be submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and initial comments at the 8th session (October 2024) and considered and approved at the 9th session (May 2025).

Vân Trang

Những ứng viên Giáo sư, Phó Giáo sư trẻ nhất năm 2024


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Hoàng Văn Minh |

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