Portrait of a female student scoring 10 in Literature in Dong Thap


Female student Huynh Hong Nhu - Chu Van An High School, Dong Thap province - is one of two candidates who scored 10 points in Literature in the 2024 High School Graduation Exam.

After the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT) announced the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam on the morning of July 17, two candidates appeared to score 10 on the Literature exam , including one candidate from Nam Dinh province and one candidate. contestants from Dong Thap province.

Among them, the candidate who achieved a perfect score of 10 in Literature in Dong Thap province is Huynh Hong Nhu, a student of class 12A1, Chu Van An High School, Hong Ngu City.

Photo: Provided by the character
Portrait of female student Huynh Hong Nhu who scored 10 in Literature. Photo: Provided by the character

Sharing with Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tao - homeroom teacher of class 12A1 - expressed his joy and surprise when candidate Hong Nhu scored 10 in Literature in this year's high school graduation exam.

According to Mr. Tao, Hong Nhu herself was very emotional and burst into tears when she learned of her 10th score in Literature. At the same time, the school Board of Directors, the teachers in the school and the students in the class were all very happy and proud of Hong Nhu's results.

"Over the years, Hong Nhu has been a good student from grade 1 to grade 12. In class, she has always been in the top 1, 2, and 3 for many years in a row. In particular, in the 2023-2024 school year, I was selected for the provincial excellent student competition team in English and won 3rd prize," Mr. Tao said.

Photo: Provided by the character
Hong Nhu is always polite to teachers and sociable with friends. Photo: Provided by the character

Teacher Tao shared that Hong Nhu is a good student, always polite to teachers, sociable with friends and fully and actively participates in activities and greetings of the school and class, especially of the Department of Education and Training.

"Hong Nhu's family situation is also difficult, her parents have to sell clothes far away to make a living. Currently, Hong Nhu and her younger sister only live with their grandmother," Mr. Tao said emotionally.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Chien (Hong Nhu's grandmother) shared that Nhu's parents went into business to save money to send their two children to a proper education. When she heard that Nhu got 10 points in Literature, Nhu's mother called and the whole family was very happy.

Mr. Tao commented that achieving a score of 10 in Literature in the high school exam is a very difficult thing. This is Hong Nhu's best effort. Over the past time, she has had to try a lot to get this achievement.

“Hong Nhu's achievements are a spiritual encouragement for the school's 12th grade students who are preparing to enter their student years. Besides, the school's 10th and 11th graders, upon hearing this news, will also try to study and follow. In the near future, Hong Nhu will certainly have a few sessions to share learning experiences with students in the next school year," Mr. Tao emphasized.

The high school graduation exam took place from June 26 to 28 with more than 1.07 million candidates. Literature is the first and only exam subject in essay form.

According to test score data announced by the Ministry of Education and Training this morning, Literature has 1,050,132 candidates taking the exam. The average subject score is 7.23 points, higher than in 2023 (6.68 points). Among them, the score with the most candidates is 8.0 points; There were 2 candidates scoring 10; More than 53,000 candidates scored below average; 68 candidates had bad grades; 29 candidates scored 0.


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