Đồng Tháp

Thành lập Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở bốc xếp Bình Thạnh


Chiều ngày 18.9 Liên đoàn Lao động TP Hồng Ngự, tỉnh Đồng Tháp tổ chức hội nghị thành lập Nghiệp đoàn cơ sở bốc xếp Bình Thạnh.

Mobilizing members to support people affected by storm No. 3

Thanh Nhàn |

The Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones launched a campaign for union members to contribute to support people affected by storm No. 3.

Instant vegetarian rice box to support people in flood-hit areas

Hàn Lâm |

Thousands of vegetarian lunch boxes delivered to people in the North who suffered damage due to storms and floods is a practical sharing because they can be used immediately.

Mid-Autumn Festival combined with support for people in flood-hit areas

Quốc Tín |

700 meaningful gifts were given to poor and disadvantaged students in Hong Ngu city (Dong Thap province) on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival.

Helping a friend beat someone, 3 defendants were temporarily detained


Helping a friend beat someone else, 3 suspects were prosecuted and temporarily detained by Cao Lanh City Police (Dong Thap Province).

Detained criminal suspect who stabbed his mistress to death on suspicion of adultery


Cao Lanh City Police (Dong Thap) are temporarily detaining a suspect for investigation into the murder of a man who stabbed his mistress to death because he suspected her of adultery.

Full Moon Festival for children of disadvantaged families

Thanh Nhàn |

The Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial and Economic Zones organized a "Full Moon Festival" for over 250 union members in difficult circumstances.

Dense fog appears in Dong Thap

Thanh Thanh |

In many places in Sa Dec city, Dong Thap province, dense fog appeared, causing many difficulties for people's travel.

Enterprises in Dong Thap support 100% of Union Meals

Thanh Nhàn |

Enterprises in Dong Thap Province Industrial Park have supported 100% of Union Meals for 2,300 workers.

Vehicles banned from passing through Sa Dec bridge from September 11

Thanh Nghĩa |

Dong Thap Department of Transport has just issued a notice on traffic diversion during the construction of Sa Dec bridge , in Sa Dec city, Dong Thap province.

Dong Thap recruits female workers with income of 30 million VND/month

Thanh Mai |

Dong Thap Employment Service Center recruits female workers with an income of 30 million VND/month.

Electrician Turns In 18 Destructive Fishing Tools


Dong Thap police received 18 electric shock tools used for fishing from an electrical repairman.

Help workers be happy at home

Lâm Điền |

Dong Thap Employment Service Center (DVVL) innovates propaganda to help workers be happy at home, contributing to attracting investment...

Establishment of 2 Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park

Thanh Nhàn |

The Trade Union of Dong Thap Industrial Parks and Economic Zones established two grassroots Stevedoring Unions in Song Hau Industrial Park, Lai Vung District.