Voters recommend the need to unify and synchronize a set of textbooks


Quang Tri - Voters recommend the need to unify and synchronize a set of textbooks to avoid waste.

Need to unify and synchronize textbooks

The National Assembly delegation of Quang Tri province organized meetings with voters before the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly in Quang Tri province. There, many opinions were recorded regarding the limitations and shortcomings in the education sector.

Accordingly, at the meetings, local voters requested the Government, ministries and branches to unify a set of standard textbooks applied nationwide to facilitate teaching and learning.

Voters in Quang Tri town gave an example: in a family with many siblings, the older brother cannot let the younger brother use old books because the exercises are printed inside the books, which is wasteful. In many localities, especially in mountainous districts and remote areas, most people are still poor and have many children, so every time a new school year begins, the cost of buying books is an economic burden.

In addition, voters also raised the policy of career orientation for students after finishing secondary school that is not practical, there is still a surplus of teachers and a shortage of workers, unemployment, and businesses still lack skilled workers. And they recommended that the education sector review and re-plan the school system to ensure real orientation for students. Especially planning the university education system to ensure the training of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to serve the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country.

Miraculous cure to "untie" teachers

Voter Le Ngoc Vu (Ward 2, Quang Tri town) said that the disease of achievement still exists in the education sector, which is the requirement that the quality of excellent students must be high, there must still be exams for excellent teachers, extracurricular activities, classes, meetings, and dozens of records and books each year... All of these things take up time and create great pressure for teachers.

Doan Dai bieu Quoc hoi tinh Quang Tri trao doi voi cac lanh dao, cu tri o thi xa Quang Tri ben ngoai buoi tiep xuc cu tri. Anh: Tien Nhat.
The National Assembly delegation of Quang Tri province exchanged with leaders and voters in Quang Tri town outside the voter meeting. Photo: Tien Nhat

Citing recent school violence cases that have been condemned by society, in which the victims are not only students but also teachers, voter Le Ngoc Vu requested that the education sector remove unnecessary pressures and constraints on teachers; return time, return teachers to their proper teaching positions, and allow teachers enough time to focus on improving the quality of their lectures, investing time, and finding solutions to better educate students.

"There needs to be a mechanism to protect the reputation, honor, and dignity of teachers" - voter Le Ngoc Vu expressed his opinion.

Mr. Ha Sy Dong - Permanent Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Tri province - said that not only in this year's voter contact session, but also in previous years, voters' opinions on the fields of education, textbooks, school violence, education reform, etc. have always received attention.

"This is an issue that voters in the province in particular and voters across the country in general are very concerned about at present and have received many comments. The provincial National Assembly Delegation will make recommendations to the National Assembly on this issue," said Mr. Ha Sy Dong.


Sách giáo khoa Cánh Diều và quyết tâm xã hội hóa

Vân Trang |

Là bộ sách xã hội hóa thực hiện theo Nghị quyết 88 của Quốc hội về đổi mới chương trình, sách giáo khoa Cánh Diều nhận được sự tin tưởng của đông đảo giáo viên trên cả nước vì chất lượng và sự tâm huyết của đội ngũ tác giả, biên soạn.

Lãng phí những bộ sách giáo khoa chỉ dùng một lần

Thanh Quỳnh |

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Tặng sách giáo khoa đã qua sử dụng

Mai Anh |

“Mình có bộ sách lớp 7 như trong hình, mẹ nào cần thì liên hệ, mình tặng”. Kết thúc năm học cũ, chuẩn bị năm học mới, có rất nhiều lời “chào mời” tương tự trên mạng.

Ưu đãi ở Khu thương mại tự do Đà Nẵng thu hút doanh nghiệp

Hoàng Bin - Mỹ Linh |

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Lục Giang |

CII có những động thái đầu tư vào loạt dự án mới. Trong khi đó, công ty phải lùi thời gian trả cổ tức để cơ cấu lại nguồn tiền đầu tư và trả nợ trái phiếu.

"Đánh thuế bất động sản giúp giảm giá nhà là không thực tế"

Linh Trang - Vũ Linh |

GS. Đặng Hùng Võ - Nguyên Thứ trưởng Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường đã có những nhận định về đề xuất đánh thuế bất động sản thứ 2 của Bộ Xây dựng.

Canh Dieu Textbooks and the determination to socialize

Vân Trang |

As a socialized book series implemented according to Resolution 88 of the National Assembly on curriculum innovation, Canh Dieu textbooks have received the trust of many teachers across the country because of the quality and dedication of the team of authors and compilers.

Waste of textbooks that are only used once

Thanh Quỳnh |

According to the new general education program, there are up to 3 sets of textbooks . In particular, each school and even each class can choose a different set of textbooks. This leads to a situation where many sets of books are only used once, and exercise books are purchased but not used.

Tặng sách giáo khoa đã qua sử dụng

Mai Anh |

“Mình có bộ sách lớp 7 như trong hình, mẹ nào cần thì liên hệ, mình tặng”. Kết thúc năm học cũ, chuẩn bị năm học mới, có rất nhiều lời “chào mời” tương tự trên mạng.