Speed ​​up the inspection process of the 10th grade entrance exam in Thai Binh


The inspection team for the 10th grade high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year in Thai Binh will work both Saturday and Sunday to ensure progress.

On the afternoon of August 1, at the Department of Education and Training of Thai Binh, Mr. Pham Cong Dich - Deputy Chief Inspector of Thai Binh province chaired the announcement of the decision to inspect the implementation of policies, laws and assigned powers. assigned to the Department of Education and Training, the Director of the Department of Education and Training and relevant organizations and individuals in organizing the entrance exam for grade 10 high school, school year 2024 - 2025.

According to the announced decision, the inspection period is 20 working days, from August 1. The inspection team consists of 11 members, led by Mr. Pham Cong Dich - Deputy Chief Inspector of Thai Binh province. Ms. Pham Thi Hong Hanh - Acting Head, Department of Inspection, Complaint and Denunciation Resolution 3 - Thai Binh Provincial Inspectorate as Deputy Head of the delegation.

In addition to the 7 members of the Thai Binh Provincial Inspectorate, the inspection team also includes 2 members of the Thai Binh Provincial Police and 2 members of the Thai Binh Department of Information and Communications.

Mr. Pham Cong Dich - Deputy Chief Inspector of Thai Binh province, Head of the inspection team spoke at the announcement of the inspection decision. Photo: Nam Hong
Mr. Pham Cong Dich - Deputy Chief Inspector of Thai Binh province, Head of the inspection team spoke at the announcement of the inspection decision. Photo: Nam Hong

Speaking at the announcement of the inspection decision, Head of the inspection team Pham Cong Dich requested that, during the inspection process, relevant individuals and groups urgently and seriously provide records and documents. ; appoint a focal point to work with the inspection team.

At the same time, the delegation members strictly comply with the assignment. The inspection process ensures the correct content, scope, and objects of inspection; inspection order and procedures. The implementation ensures openness, transparency, democracy, objectivity, and compliance with the law; Minimize the impact on the regular work of inspected units and individuals.

Along with that, delegation members and individuals and units being inspected must ensure State secrets during inspection activities. The activities of the inspection team are under the supervision of the inspection team's activities supervision team.

Due to the specific requirements of the inspection and the practical situation, the Head of the inspection team requested the team members to speed up the work progress; Working both Saturday and Sunday to ensure the progress of the inspection.

Ms. Tran Thi Bich Van - Deputy Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training spoke to receive comments from the inspection team. Photo: Nam Hong
Ms. Tran Thi Bich Van - Deputy Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training spoke to receive comments from the inspection team. Photo: Nam Hong

Above are the latest developments related to the controversial and unusual exam scores for 10th grade high school entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year in Thai Binh province.

Previously, as Lao Dong informed, to serve the above inspection, late on the evening of July 31, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province issued Decision No. 1234/QD-UBND on the temporary suspension of Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien. - Provincial Party Committee member, Director of Department of Education and Training within 15 days from July 31.

During the inspection, Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien is responsible for providing all relevant information and documents at the request of the inspection team leader and competent authorities, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law.

On the same day, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province also issued Decision No. 1236/QD-UBND assigning Mr. Pham Van Nghiem - Provincial Member, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, to be in charge of managing the activities of the Department of Education and Training during the time of Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien. temporarily suspended from work.


Giám đốc Sở GDĐT Thái Bình bị tạm đình chỉ công tác 15 ngày


Ông Nguyễn Viết Hiển - Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo (GDĐT) Thái Bình bị tạm đình chỉ công tác 15 ngày để phục vụ thanh tra.

Thanh tra đột xuất kỳ thi vào lớp 10 THPT ở Thái Bình


UBND tỉnh Thái Bình quyết định chỉ đạo thanh tra đột xuất đối với việc tổ chức kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT năm học 2024 - 2025 trên địa bàn.

Lập đoàn kiểm tra vụ lùm xùm điểm thi vào lớp 10 ở Thái Bình


Tỉnh Thái Bình sẽ giao đoàn kiểm tra liên ngành vào cuộc xác minh, làm rõ những bất thường liên quan điểm thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT năm học 2024-2025.

Mắc bẫy lừa đảo mua "combo du lịch" vì ham rẻ


Đánh vào tâm lý "ham rẻ" khi tham quan, nghỉ dưỡng của người dân, đối tượng lừa đảo đã mạo danh công ty, phòng vé bán combo, vé máy bay du lịch.

Xuất hiện sạt lở nguy hiểm tại bờ sông Cầu, Thái Nguyên

Ngọc Minh |

Sau khi mực nước sông Cầu dâng cao, nhiều vị trí sát mép bờ tại địa phận xã Nhã Lộng (huyện Phú Bình, Thái Nguyên) tiếp tục nguy cơ sạt lở khiến người dân bất an.

Những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn đã xuất hiện

Lục Giang |

Ngoài trái phiếu ngân hàng, thị trường trái phiếu ghi nhận những tín hiệu tích cực từ nhóm bất động sản với những lô trái phiếu giá trị lớn.

Hiện trường vụ sập giàn giáo cầu chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang

Lam Thanh |

Tại hiện trường là khung cảnh đổ nát sau vụ sập giàn giáo trong quá trình đổ bê tông hầm chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang - Hà Giang.

Gia cảnh khó khăn của trưởng công an xã mất khi trực lũ

Vũ Bảo - Trần Bùi |

Yên Bái - Thiếu tá Trần Đông, Trưởng Công an xã Vân Hội, ra đi để lại vợ và 2 con thơ.

The Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training was temporarily suspended from work for 15 days


Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien - Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training was temporarily suspended from work for 15 days to serve the inspection.

Unexpected inspection of the entrance exam to grade 10 at Thai Binh High School


The People's Committee of Thái Bình has decided to conduct an unexpected inspection of the organization of the entrance exam for grade 10 of the academic year 2024 - 2025 in the area.

Establish an inspection team for the controversy over the 10th-grade entrance exam scores in Thai Binh


Province Thái Bình will assign an inter-agency inspection team to investigate and clarify the irregularities related to the high school entrance exam for the academic year 2024-2025.