Information Technology Tuition Fees 2024


Information Technology always receives the attention of many parents and students. This major has different tuition fees at different schools.

According to the 2024 Enrollment Project of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the school has specific tuition fees for Information Technology as follows:

Hoc phi cac chuong trinh dao tao nganh Cong nghe thong tin cua Dai hoc Bach khoa Ha Noi. Tong hop: Anh Duc
Tuition fees for Information Technology training programs at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Compiled by Anh Duc

Meanwhile, other majors in the same Information Technology group of the school have tuition fees ranging from 24 to 87 million VND/school year. Specifically, Computer Science and Computer Engineering have tuition fees of 24 - 30 million VND/year. Cyber ​​Security has a tuition fee of 33 - 42 million VND/year. And Data Science and Artificial Intelligence tuition fees are 67 million VND/year.

The Computer Science program in association with Troy University (USA) has the highest tuition fee - 87 million VND. Students studying this program will receive a degree from Troy University.

The Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology also trains in Information Technology with tuition fees for specific training programs:

- Mass program: 27 - 34 million VND/year;

- High quality program: 39 - 55 million VND/year;

- Bachelor of Information Technology program with application orientation: 35 - 37 million VND/year.

The maximum tuition increase roadmap for each school year is no more than 15% per year.

The tuition fee for Information Technology at the University of Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi is 40 million VND/year. The tuition fee may be adjusted for the following school years, but not increase by more than 15% per year.

For Hanoi University of Industry, the average tuition fee for majors/training programs enrolling in the 2024-2025 academic year is 24.6 million VND/academic year (equivalent to 500,000 VND/credit). Tuition fees for the following academic years will increase by an average of no more than 10% per academic year.

Hanoi University of Science and Technology charges 53 million VND/year for the Information and Communication Technology major for a single degree program. The dual degree program charges 75 million VND/year. The school's Data Science and Information Security major charges 53 million VND/year.

Some other universities in Hanoi also train in Information Technology with different tuition fees, specifically:

Hoc phi nganh Cong nghe thong tin mot so truong o Ha Noi. Tong hop: Anh Duc
Tuition fees for Information Technology majors at some schools in Hanoi. Compiled by Anh Duc

At the University of Information Technology - Ho Chi Minh City National University, the tuition fee for the 2024-2025 school year for the standard program is 32.8 million VND/year. The tuition fee increase roadmap for the next 3 school years is 37 million VND (2025-2026 school year), 41.8 million VND (2026-2027 school year) and 45 million VND (2027-2028 school year).

Meanwhile, the school's advanced program has tuition fees of 50 million VND/year for the first two years and 55 million VND/year and 60 million VND/year for the next two years, respectively.

The tuition fee for the Information Technology major (intensive English program) of the University of Science - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City is 44.8 million VND/academic year 2024 - 2025. The tuition fees for the following academic years are 50 million, 54.6 million and 59 million VND/academic year, respectively.

The estimated tuition fee for the Information Technology major at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education for the 2024-2025 school year is 16.3 million VND/semester. The tuition fee increase will not exceed 12.5%/year from the 2024-2025 school year to the 2026-2027 school year.


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