Opening ceremony at kindergarten for workers' children


Nghe An - The kindergarten named after Uncle Ho's mother is mainly for children of workers and employees of Hoang Thi Loan Textile Company.

On the afternoon of September 5, Hoang Thi Loan Kindergarten (Ben Thuy Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An) held an opening ceremony to welcome children to school. The ceremony was attended by leaders of Hoang Thi Loan Textile Company and Ben Thuy Ward People's Committee.

From early morning, the families of workers of Hoang Thi Loan Textile Company took the opportunity to take their children to school, handing them over to the teachers so that they could get to work on time. The teachers picked up the children, arranged their seats neatly and fed them breakfast. The opening ceremony was held in the afternoon to make it more convenient for the children and their parents.

Students in joy at the opening of school. Photo: Quang Dai
Students in joy at the opening of school. Photo: Quang Dai

Ms. Do Thi Thanh Xuan - Principal of Hoang Thi Loan Kindergarten - said: This year, the whole school has 210 children studying, mainly children of employees of Hoang Thi Loan Textile Company.

The opening ceremony was very joyful and exciting. Students wore school uniforms, holding national flags and balloons, and enjoyed the performances by teachers and students.

"The school focuses on cultural and recreational activities so that the students can have a happy and memorable opening day," Ms. Do Thi Thanh Xuan shared.

Hoang Thi Loan Kindergarten is the largest kindergarten for workers' children in Nghe An. The school was invested in and built by Hoang Thi Loan Textile Company and established in 2008 to educate the children of cadres and workers.

Students who are children of workers do not have to pay tuition. Teachers come to school very early to pick up the children and only return home when all the children have been picked up by their families, in order to create conditions for the workers' families to work overtime.

The Company's leaders said they have invested in and created the best conditions for the school to care for and educate the children of workers in the Company, and to support and help workers with young children to reduce difficulties.

The school has an area of ​​2,600m2, the classrooms are upgraded, the equipment is invested by the company according to the regulations in Circular 02 of the Ministry of Education and Training. All staff and teachers of the school are employees of the company, enjoy general regimes, and have a 13th month salary.

Nghe An Provincial Labor Federation highly appreciates the humane, non-profit operating model of Hoang Thi Loan Private Kindergarten, which creates conditions to take care of workers' children, helping workers feel secure in their work and stay with the enterprise.


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