Add additional schools for admission to the Medical major in 2024

Linh Đan |

Hoa Binh University continues to consider recruiting additional training majors at the school in 2024.

For additional admission in 2024, Hoa Binh University considers admission in the following 2 methods:

Method 1: Use the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.

Method 2: Use high school academic results (transcripts), secondary school, college, and university graduation results in the same field of study.

For the admission method for the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam, the score threshold for receiving additional admission applications ranges from 17 to 22.5 points. In particular, the Medical sector accepts admission applications for candidates with 22.5 points or more.

For candidates admitted based on high school, intermediate, college, and university scores in the same major:

- The Medicine, Pharmacy, and Traditional Medicine majors have the following threshold for receiving applications:

+ Grade 12 academic results achieved excellent grades or better.

+ Or graduation score of 8.0 or higher.

+ Or graduated from intermediate school, college, or university with good grades or higher and have a practicing certificate for 1 full year or 3 years of working in the right field or more.

+ Or graduated from intermediate school, college, or university with Average grade and have grade 12 academic performance with Good grade or higher and have a practicing certificate for 1 full year or 3 years of working in the right field or more.

- Nursing industry:

+ Grade 12 academic results achieved Good or better.

+ Or graduation score of 6.5 or higher.

+ Or graduated from intermediate school or college with good grades or higher.

+ Or graduated from intermediate school or college and have 5 years or more working in the right field.

- The remaining sectors have a threshold of 17 points for receiving applications.

Score threshold for receiving applications for additional admission methods at Hoa Binh University. Photo: Screenshot
Score threshold for receiving applications for additional admission methods at Hoa Binh University. Photo: Screenshot

The school, based on the threshold to ensure input quality, considers admission for majors according to the candidate's admission score from high to low until the end of the additional quota.

Linh Đan

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