Hanoi Law University announced the 2024 admission threshold

Bích Hà |

The admission threshold is equal to the 2024 high school graduation exam score of Hanoi Law University, which ranges from 15-20 points.

Hanoi Law University announces the floor score (threshold to ensure input quality - score level for receiving admission applications) for university degrees in the form of formal training in 2024 (Course 49) for candidates eligible for consideration. Recruitment method based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam.

Regarding general conditions: Candidates who meet the admission requirements according to the Admission Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training are eligible to participate in admission; The admission score is equal to the total score of 3 subjects in the admission combination and priority and encouragement scores (if any).

The score level for receiving admission applications is as follows: For candidates registering for admission and studying at the school's headquarters: Total score of subjects in the C00 admission combination is ≥ 20.00 points, other combinations are ≥ 18.00 points (priority points are not included). In addition, for the International Trade Law and English Language majors, the results of the English high school graduation exam were > 7.00 points.

For candidates registering for admission and studying at the school's branch in Dak Lak province: The total score of the subjects in the admission combination is 15.00 points (not counting priority points).

Law University Benchmark 2023.
Law University Benchmark 2023.

In 2023, the benchmark score of Hanoi Law University ranges from 24 - 27.36 points for its headquarters in Hanoi.

The Economic Law major has the highest benchmark score , admission combination C00. The industry with the second highest standard score is Law with 26.5 points.

At Dak Lak Branch, the school takes the common standard score for all admission combinations to be 18.15 points.

Previously, on the morning of July 17, the Ministry of Education and Training announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, after knowing the high school exam scores, from July 18, candidates began registering their university admission wishes on the system. Ministry's enrollment.

Bích Hà

Trường Đại học Hà Nội công bố điểm sàn xét tuyển năm 2024

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Trường Đại học Hà Nội thông báo điểm sàn xét tuyển đại học hình thức chính quy năm 2024 là 16 điểm.

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Điểm sàn nhóm ngành sức khoẻ năm 2024

Hồng Nhung |

Bộ GDĐT đã công bố ngưỡng bảo đảm chất lượng đầu vào từ điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT để tuyển sinh các ngành thuộc nhóm ngành sức khoẻ.

Báo chí đang theo xu thế không chỉ phản ánh mà phải cung cấp luận giải và giải pháp

Theo Hồng Sâm/Nhà báo & Công luận |

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Hanoi University announced the admission threshold for 2024

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