Admission floor scores of 29 universities in 2024

Vân Trang |

The 2024 admission floor score is updated quickly and most accurately by Lao Dong.

According to Lao Dong's records, up to now, some schools have announced the admission threshold for 2024.

Candidates whose high school graduation exam scores in 2024 are higher than the admission threshold for schools can register their admission wishes.

According to the admission plan of the Ministry of Education and Training (GDĐT), from July 18 to 5:00 p.m. on July 30, candidates can register, adjust, and supplement their admission wishes an unlimited number of times.

Candidates rely on the high school graduation exam score and the 2024 university admission floor score of the schools to register their admission wishes. Photo: Van Trang
Candidates rely on the high school graduation exam score and the 2024 university admission floor score of the schools to register their admission wishes. Photo: Van Trang

After registering, adjusting and adding wishes, from July 31 to 5:00 pm on August 6, candidates pay the admission fee according to the number of wishes online.

From July 22 to 5:00 p.m. on July 31, successful candidates who are eligible for direct admission can confirm their admission on the system.

Candidates can follow the list of universities announcing their 2024 admission scores below:

29. Floor score of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

28. Floor score of Hanoi Polytechnic University

27. Floor score of Foreign Trade University

26. Floor score of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry

25. Floor score of University of Transport and Communications

24. Floor score of Academy of Journalism and Propaganda

23. Floor score of Electricity University

22. National Academy of Public Administration floor score

21. Base score of Van Hien University

20. Floor score of Hanoi University of Industry

19. Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology

18. Floor score of Hanoi University of Science and Technology

17. Floor score of University of Commerce

16. Floor score of Thu Dau Mot University

15. Floor score of Vietnam Women's Academy

14. Admission threshold for Hong Bang International University

13. University of Natural Sciences - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

12. University of Law - VNU

11. University of Economics - VNU

10. Floor score of University of Foreign Languages ​​- VNU

9. Floor score of University of Natural Sciences - VNU

8. Floor score of University of Technology - VNU

7. Floor score of Vietnam Japan University - VNU

6. Floor score of University of Social Sciences and Humanities - VNU

5. Score of Vietnam Aviation Academy 2024

4. Lac Hong University's floor score 2024

3. Floor score of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology 2024

2. Kien Giang University's floor score 2024

1. Admission threshold for Air Force Officer School 2024 (expected)

Vân Trang

Điểm chuẩn dự báo Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội năm 2024

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Predicted benchmark score of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2024

Vân Trang |

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Many candidates are sure to go to university


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Floor score for admission to the University of Commerce in 2024

Vân Trang |

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