Nhổn Metro Station - Hà Nội Station before the operation of the elevated section


Metro Nhổn - Hà Nội Railway Station has completed the elevated section after nearly 15 years of construction, officially commencing commercial operation from tomorrow (August 8).

Many residents living in the capital are no longer unfamiliar with the Metro project (Metro) pilot project in Hanoi, from Nhổn to Hanoi Station, which is "famous" for being delayed.

In 2006, the project was approved for investment, with a target completion date of 2010, coinciding with the thousand-year Thăng Long festival.

Four years later, the project was launched. At that time, the government required Hanoi and the Metro Rail Management Board (MRB) to implement the project according to schedule, so that by 2015, the first Metro pilot project in the capital would be operational.

The expectation was that it would be a transportation connection force, driving the capital's economy, but due to some obstacles, the project was delayed multiple times, with the budget increasing from over 18,000 billion VND to nearly 35,000 billion VND.

“My husband and I will take our child to visit my parents more frequently when there is a train, instead of having to travel nearly 10km by motorbike under the sun, rain, dust, and congestion” - Mrs. Lê Giang (45 years old, Đống Đa) said to Lao Động's reporter about her wish over 10 years ago.

When informed that the Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station will operate and be commercially operated in the coming days, Mrs. Giang was excited that her long-awaited wish and that of many residents would soon become a reality.

“It's better late than never” - Mrs. Giang said and added that she would experience the Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station on the first day of the train's operation.

Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station operates on the elevated section from August 8, after nearly 15 years of construction. Photo: Hữu Chánh
Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station operates on the elevated section from August 8, after nearly 15 years of construction. Photo: Hữu Chánh

Mr. Nguyễn Cao Minh, Director of the Hanoi Metro Rail Management Board (MRB), said that the entire elevated section from Nhổn Station to Cầu Giấy Station, 8.5 km long, has been completed, installed, and tested. The inspection work has also been completed.

From August 8, the elevated section of the Nhổn - Hanoi Station Metro line will be commercially operated. The train operation time is from 5:30 to 22:00, with a frequency of 10 minutes per trip at all elevated stations.

“In the next 15 days of free operation, residents will be able to access the new urban rail line, and can imagine their own daily commute” - MRB's leader added.

According to General Director Hanoi Metro Vũ Hồng Trường, the company has received 10 train sets, and plans to operate 6 sets. The company will manage personnel flexibly between the two lines (Nhổn - Hanoi Station and Cát Linh - Hà Đông).

The Nhổn - Hanoi Station train runs a test on the elevated section, August 5. Photo: Hữu Chánh
The Nhổn - Hanoi Station train runs a test on the elevated section, August 5. Photo: Hữu Chánh

At the site inspection of the Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station project on August 6, Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Trần Sỹ Thanh requested that all units focus and quickly complete the final procedures, prioritizing the safety and smooth operation of the trains.

“Report any issues immediately, and I and the Hanoi People's Committee will directly support and resolve them. The preparation work must be comprehensive and thorough, from safety and technology to personnel and sanitation” - Mr. Trần Sỹ Thanh said.

Thus, the elevated section of the Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station will operate on August 8, and residents of the capital will be able to board the Metro Nhổn - Hanoi Station after 18 years of waiting, counting from the project's approval date.

Regarding the underground section from S9 - S12, 4 km long, MRB's leader said that construction activities are taking place at all construction sites. According to the plan, the entire underground section of the project will be completed in December 2027.

After the underground section is completed, the entire Metro line will be put into operation, contributing to changing the urban transportation landscape, connecting and facilitating travel between areas, and driving the development of the capital's economy and society.

The Nhổn - Hanoi Station Metro line is 12.5 km long, with 8 elevated stations and 4 underground stations.

The route of the line: Starting point Nhổn - along National Road 32 - Cầu Diễn - Mai Dịch - intersection with Vành đai 3 - Cầu Giấy (intersection with Vành đai 2) - Kim Mã - Cát Linh - Quốc Tử Giám - Hanoi Station (Trần Hưng Đạo Street).


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