In October, Hanoi opened the 2.6km, 6-lane road to traffic


Hanoi - The extended Le Quang Dao street project connecting Nam Tu Liem and Ha Dong districts, with an investment of more than 700 billion VND, will open to traffic in October 2024, after 2 years of construction.

In October 2022, Hanoi started the construction investment project of Le Quang Dao street extending with a length of 2.6km, starting point at Le Quang Dao intersection - Thang Long Avenue, ending point at Duong Noi Urban Area (district Ha Dong).

The project has a total investment of more than 700 billion VND, of which site clearance is more than 163 billion VND, construction is more than 542 billion VND and a number of other costs, invested by the People's Committee of Nam Tu Liem district.

According to the design, the route will have inter-regional road standards, with a design speed of 60km/h. Typical road cross-section size is 40m, the section connecting to Thang Long Avenue (about 110m long) has a cross-section width of 100m.

Recorded by Labor on August 5, after nearly 2 years of construction, the route has a clear shape, in which the intersection with Thang Long Avenue to Dai Linh street, nearly 900m long, has the best construction progress.

At this section, the systems have basically been completed from lighting systems, trees, and underground sewers. People can now move around and exercise.

"The road has been completed for several months now, so in the afternoon I often come here from home to exercise. Moving from Trung Van to Thang Long Avenue, My Dinh area is also much more convenient than before" - Ms. Nguyen Thi Man (Trung Van ward, Nam Tu Liem district) said.

With the remaining route from Dai Linh intersection to Duong Noi Urban Area, which is more than 1.5km long, dozens of machines and workers were mobilized by the investor and contractor for construction, speeding up the project progress.

The entire route has a bridge over the Nhue River, which also basically completes the main items.

The investor's representative, Nam Tu Liem District Construction Investment Project Management Board, said that according to plan, the project is expected to be completed and technically opened to traffic to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Capital's Liberation Day ( October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024).

When completed, the project will help shorten travel time between Nam Tu Liem and Ha Dong districts, reduce traffic pressure on many routes such as To Huu and Sa Doi, and connect many western urban areas. Cities like Duong Noi, Louis City, FLC Premier.

In the future, along this extended route will be the headquarters of many ministries and central agencies.

Image of the extended Le Quang Dao street project nearing completion

After nearly 2 years of construction, the investment project to build Le Quang Dao street, extending the section from Dai Linh street to the intersection of Thang Long Avenue, nearly 900m long, has basically completed the main items. Photo: Huu Chanh
The route has a typical cross-section of 40m with 6 lanes and a design speed of 60km/h. Photo: Huu Chanh
Fire hydrant, tree system, lighting,... have also been basically completed. Photo: Huu Chanh
Fire hydrants, sidewalk systems, lights, trees... have also been basically completed. Photo: Huu Chanh
People can now travel and exercise on the newly completed route.
People can now move back and forth and walk for exercise on the newly completed route. Photo: Huu Chanh
The remaining section from Dai Linh intersection to Duong Noi Urban Area is under construction. The entire route has a bridge over the Nhue River, which also basically completes the main items. Photo: Huu Chanh
The investor and the contractor are mobilizing human resources to complete the remaining section of the route to meet the set schedule. Photo: Huu Chanh
It is expected that on October 10, the project will be completed and technically opened to traffic after 2 years of construction. Photo: Huu Chanh
When completed, the project will help shorten travel time between Nam Tu Liem and Ha Dong districts (Hanoi), reducing traffic pressure on many roads around the area. Photo: Huu Chanh

Diện mạo đường 6 làn xe nối 2 quận ở Hà Nội sắp hoàn thành


Hà Nội - Dự án đường Lê Quang Đạo kéo dài có chiều dài 2,6 km, 6 làn xe, khi hoàn thành giúp tăng tính kết nối giữa quận Nam Từ Liêm và Hà Đông.

Sắp xây nút giao 2.400 tỉ trên con đường 10 làn xe ở Hà Nội


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Đường nối 2 vành đai ở Hà Nội sắp được mở rộng lên 6 làn xe


Hà Nội chuẩn bị thi công mở rộng đường nối Vành đai 2 với Vành đai 3 dài 3,5 km từ 2 lên 6 làn xe giúp giảm ùn tắc, góp phần phát triển kinh tế - xã hội Thủ đô.

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The appearance of a 6-lane road connecting 2 districts in Hanoi is about to be completed


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