Bac Lieu has more than 8,000 hectares of rice destroyed due to the storm's impact.


According to official statistics from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Lieu province, as of September 9, the area of ​​rice that had fallen in Bac Lieu was 8,025 hectares.

Of these, the area of ​​fallen rice that has not affected productivity is 70 hectares, the area of ​​fallen rice that has affected productivity by less than 30% is 6,150 hectares, and the area affected by 30 - 70% of productivity is more than 1,800 hectares.

To support farmers in harvesting rice and minimizing damage, the agricultural sector always closely monitors weather developments and promptly informs people so that they can proactively plan for response in production. At the same time, it focuses on implementing water regulation and opening sluices to speed up drainage to prevent flooding, helping farmers harvest rice smoothly.

Prolonged rains have damaged over 8,000 hectares of rice in Bac Lieu province, affecting productivity. Photo: Nhat Ho
Due to prolonged rain, over 8,000 hectares of rice in Bac Lieu province collapsed, affecting productivity. Photo: Nhat Ho

In the 2024 summer-autumn rice crop, Bac Lieu province planted over 58,000 hectares, concentrated in Phuoc Long, Vinh Loi, Hoa Binh and Hong Dan districts. At this time, farmers in Bac Lieu province are harvesting the 2024 summer-autumn rice crop.

However, due to the impact of continuous heavy rains in recent days, not only has the harvest progress been delayed, but the yield and quality of farmers' rice has also decreased.

Mr. To Thanh Hai - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vinh Loi district - said that this year's Summer-Autumn crop in the area has been planted on more than 17,000 hectares, and so far has harvested more than 6,000 hectares, with an average yield of 5.5 - 6 tons/ha.

According to Mr. To Thanh Hai, Vinh Loi district currently has nearly 200 combine harvesters, when the weather is good, it can harvest 800 - 1,000 hectares per day. However, due to continuous rain, the harvest has been temporarily suspended, waiting for the rain to stop to continue to speed up the harvest. Rice prices are currently decreasing, and the situation of traders "abandoning" rice deposits is also happening in many households.

Bac Lieu residents worry that traders will abandon their deposits and rice prices will drop due to the storm. Photo: Nhat Ho
Bac Lieu residents worry that traders will abandon their deposits and rice prices will drop due to the storm. Photo: Nhat Ho

In Hoa Binh and Phuoc Long districts, when farmers were preparing to enter the peak harvest season, it was the peak of storms and rains, making harvesting difficult, productivity reduced, selling prices low, and farmers suffered double losses due to storms and rains.

Farmer Tran Thanh Nam in Minh Dieu commune, Hoa Binh district said that now he can only stand and watch each field being submerged in water and does not know what else to do. A few days ago, his family was excited because this year's rice yield was high, and he was happy that the crop would be good and the price would be good. Now, all he can do is see it as it is.

According to many farmers in Bac Lieu, previously, the "rice brokers" came to deposit money to buy, but on harvest day it was very difficult to contact the "rice brokers". People were worried that they would be forced to lower the price.


Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu vận động xây 1.600 căn nhà cho các hộ nghèo, cận nghèo


Tỉnh Bạc Liêu còn 1.643 hộ nghèo, cận nghèo phải sống trong nhà tạm, nhà dột nát cần được xây dựng.

Nông dân Bạc Liêu lo bão ngay mùa thu hoạch lúa


Bạc Liêu đang cao điểm thu hoạch lúa hè thu. Tuy nhiên, mưa nhiều do ảnh hưởng bão số 3 khiến nông dân lo lắng.

Festival muối Bạc Liêu dời sang năm 2025


Festival nghề muối Việt Nam - Bạc Liêu năm 2024 “Hành trình trăm năm nghề muối - Đời người” sẽ dời sang quý I.2025.

Bạc Liêu lý giải xin 3.400 tỉ đồng phòng chống thiên tai


Con số 3.400 tỉ đồng chỉ là 5 dự án cấp bách; về lâu dài, tỉnh Bạc Liêu cần đến 28.000 tỉ đồng để thực hiện 77 công trình, dự án.

Ảnh hưởng bão số 2, mưa gây sạt lở nghiêm trọng ở Bạc Liêu


Ảnh hưởng bão số 2, mưa lớn gây sạt lở một đoạn đường giao thông tại huyện Đông Hải, tỉnh Bạc Liêu.

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