Interest rate fluctuations 10.9: 6 banks increase interest rates one after another

Mai Ánh |

Interest rates on September 10: After a series of 6 large and small banks adjusted interest rates, the interest rate rankings at banks recorded strong fluctuations.

According to Lao Dong, since the beginning of September, there have been 6 banks increasing interest rates, including: Techcombank, Dong A Bank, OceanBank, Eximbank, GPBank, VietBank; with the increasing trend mainly in short terms.

On the contrary, the interest rate market also recorded a downward trend in interest rates from a large bank, which used to lead the market with the highest interest rate, ABBank. The alternating up and down trends at banks created a significant change in the ranking of the top highest interest rates in the market.

Highest interest rate for 1-3 month term

According to Lao Dong, at the 1-month term, the highest deposit interest rate currently belongs to SeABank with an interest rate of 3.95%/year, followed by HDBank's interest rate of 3.85%/year. A series of 5 banks Dong A Bank, Eximbank, OCB, OceanBank, VietBank currently pay interest of 3.8%/year for this term.

At the 3-month term, the highest interest rate is 4.3%/year currently listed by Eximbank. The next highest interest rate is 4.2%/year currently listed by OceanBank. The rate of 4.1%/year is listed by Nam A Bank.

Highest interest rate for 6-9 month term

At the 6-month term, CBBank jumped to the top with an interest rate of 5.55%/year. NCB paid an interest rate of 5.35%/year. Following were the interest rates of 5.2%/year at Bac A Bank, BaovietBank, Eximbank, VietBank and Dong A Bank.

At the 9-month term, the highest interest rate is 5.55%/year at NCB, followed by the interest rate of 5.5%/year, currently listed by BVBank, Dong A Bank and CBBank.

Highest interest rate for 12 month term

At the 12-month term, the top 5 banks with interest rates of 5.8%/year are BaovietBank, BVBank, Bac A Bank, Dong A Bank and Saigonbank. Following is the interest rate of 5.75%/year at GPBank.

Details of deposit interest rates at banks, updated on September 10, 2024

Mai Ánh

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Nhóm PV |

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