Announcement of Senior Personnel Decisions at Vietcombank

Mai Ánh |

On July 29, in Hanoi, Vietcombank held a conference to announce the decision of the Central Business Bloc Party Committee regarding senior personnel at Vietcombank.

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) held a conference to announce the Decision of the Party Committee of the Central Business Sector (DNTW) on the approval of the Secretary of the Party Committee of Vietcombank and Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietcombank; announced the Resolution of the Board of Directors (BOD) of Vietcombank on the election of the Chairman of the BOD and the Decision of the BOD of Vietcombank on assigning the task of managing the Executive Board of Vietcombank...

At the conference, Mr. Chu Dinh Dong - Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of the Party Committee of the DNTW announced Decision No. 2039-QD/DUK, dated July 26, 2024, of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the DNTW on the approval of Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Deputy Secretary in charge of the Party Committee, Member of the BOD, General Director of Vietcombank to hold the position of Secretary of the Party Committee of Vietcombank for the term 2020-2025.

Mr. Nguyen Long Hai - Alternate Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Secretary of the Party Committee of the DNTW (right) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, the new Secretary of the Party Committee of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.
Mr. Nguyen Long Hai - Alternate Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Secretary of the Party Committee of the DNTW (right) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, the new Secretary of the Party Committee of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.

Based on the approval of the State Bank of Vietnam, the Party Committee of the DNTW, on July 26, 2024, the BOD of Vietcombank elected Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Member of the BOD cum General Director of Vietcombank to hold the position of Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank, term 2023-2028, and assigned the task of managing the Executive Board to Deputy General Director Le Quang Vinh.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong - Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam (right) presents congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, the new Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong - Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam (right) presents congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, the new Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.

At the conference, Mr. Hong Quang - Member of the BOD cum Director of the Human Resources Division announced Decision No. 3399/QD-VCB-TCNS dated July 26, 2024, of the BOD of Vietcombank assigning the task of managing the Executive Board of Vietcombank to Mr. Le Quang Vinh - Deputy General Director of Vietcombank, effective from July 26, 2024.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank (right) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Le Quang Vinh. Photo: Vietcombank.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank (right) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Le Quang Vinh. Photo: Vietcombank.

Also at the conference, Mr. Chu Dinh Dong - Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Organization Committee of the Party Committee of the DNTW announced Decision No. 2048-QD/DUK dated July 26, 2024, of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the DNTW on the approval of Mr. Nguyen Danh Phuong - Member of the Party Committee of Vietcombank, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of Vietcombank Thang Long Branch to hold the position of Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietcombank, term 2020-2025.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Phong - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the DNTW (left) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Danh Phuong - the new Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.
Mr. Nguyen Duc Phong - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the DNTW (left) presents the Decision and congratulatory flowers to Mr. Nguyen Danh Phuong - the new Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietcombank. Photo: Vietcombank.

Recognizing and highly appreciating the Party Committee of Vietcombank, Mr. Nguyen Long Hai - Alternate Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Secretary of the Party Committee of the DNTW affirmed: "For many years, the most important success is that Vietcombank has continuously developed, grown stronger, and always maintained its position as the best, safest, and most efficient bank, making positive contributions to the economy, especially in supporting the operations of businesses, funding key national projects, and contributing to increasing revenue for the State budget."

In his speech accepting the task, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the BOD of Vietcombank expressed: "We commit to doing our utmost to fulfill the assigned tasks in the best possible way; always prioritize collective interests over personal interests; always strive to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country; the development of the banking sector and the development of Vietcombank... We, along with the collective leadership, the Board of Directors, and the generations of Vietcombank staff today, promise to strive to uphold the unique cultural tradition of Vietcombank, maintain the proud unity and solidarity of generations of Vietcombank staff over the years, to continue writing the history of Vietcombank in the coming time..."

Mai Ánh

Tỷ giá ngoại tệ, tỷ giá Vietcombank, USD tự do hôm nay 29.7

Anh Kiệt |

Tỷ giá USD tự do trong nước ở mức 25.650 - 25.730 đồng (mua vào - bán ra). Tỷ giá USD tại Vietcombank ở mức 25.091 - 25.461 VND/USD (mua tiền mặt - bán ra).

Lãi suất Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank 28.7.2024

Thạch Lam |

Theo khảo sát của PV Báo Lao Động, biểu lãi suất của Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank và Vietcombank ngày 28.7.2024 niêm yết quanh ngưỡng 1,6-4,8%/năm.

Tỷ giá ngoại tệ, tỷ giá Vietcombank, USD tự do hôm nay 28.7

Anh Kiệt |

Tỷ giá USD tự do trong nước ở mức 25.650 - 25.730 đồng (mua vào - bán ra). Tỷ giá USD tại Vietcombank ở mức 25.091 - 25.461 VND/USD (mua tiền mặt - bán ra).

Đề nghị xem xét lại pháp lý vụ biệt thự “đẹp nhất Cà Mau”


Cà Mau - Trên cơ sở thẩm định của Sở Tư pháp, UBND tỉnh đề nghị xem xét lại các văn bản liên quan, xử lý đúng pháp luật.

Các suối nội ô TP Biên Hòa ô nhiễm cao, anion vượt 27 lần


Đồng Nai - Suối Linh có chất lượng nước kém nhất, phenol vượt 3,4 lần, chất hoạt động bề mặt anion vượt hơn 27 lần so ngưỡng bảo vệ sức khỏe con người.

Nữ doanh nhân chuyên hối lộ trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu

Việt Dũng |

Trong vụ án chuyến bay giải cứu giai đoạn 2, mặc dù không bị đề nghị truy tố, song sai phạm của bà Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hằng tiếp tục được đề cập.

Kỷ luật một số cán bộ vi phạm ở Phú Yên

Hoài Luân |

Phú Yên - Ngày 7.10, Ủy ban Kiểm tra (UBKT) Tỉnh ủy Phú Yên đã có thông báo kết quả kỳ họp lần thứ 25 của UBKT Tỉnh ủy (khóa XVII).

Cái gì doanh nghiệp cũng phải đi xin sẽ làm mất thời cơ


Nhà nước không can thiệp vào quản trị doanh nghiệp nhưng cái gì doanh nghiệp cũng phải đi xin, phải làm thủ tục sẽ mất thời cơ, mất cơ hội kinh doanh.

Foreign exchange rates, free Vietcombank and USD exchange rates today July 29

Anh Kiệt |

The domestic free USD exchange rate is 25,650 - 25,730 VND (buy - sell). USD exchange rate at Vietcombank is 25,091 - 25,461 VND/USD (cash buy - sell).

Agribank, BIDV, Vietcombank, VietinBank interest rates July 28, 2024

Thạch Lam |

According to a survey by reporters of Lao Dong Newspaper, the interest rate tables of Agribank, BIDV, VietinBank and Vietcombank on July 28, 2024 were listed around the threshold of 1.6-4.8%/year.

Foreign exchange rates, free Vietcombank and USD exchange rates today July 28

Anh Kiệt |

The free domestic USD exchange rate is 25,650 - 25,730 VND (buy - sell). USD exchange rate at Vietcombank is 25,091 - 25,461 VND/USD (cash buy - sell).