For its effective contribution to CAND sports, T&T Group was honored

Thạch Lam |

T&T Group was honored by the Vietnam People's Police Sports Association (CAND) for its positive and effective contributions to the sports movement of the People's Public Security force.

On the afternoon of August 20, 2024, at the PVF Football Training Center - Ministry of Public Security (Van Giang district - Hung Yen province), the Vietnam People's Police Sports Association organized to honor and reward collectives and individual coaches. Athletes with outstanding achievements of People's Public Security Sports.

At the event, T&T Group was honored to be awarded the honor roll by Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Politburo member, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security, and Chairman of the Vietnam People's Public Security Sports Association. Diamond companion, recognizing the group's positive and effective contributions to the sports movement of the People's Public Security force. On this occasion, the CAND - T&T table tennis club also received a reward for its outstanding achievements in 2024.

At the end of May 2024, the CAND - T&T Table Tennis Club was established after the Vietnam People's Public Security Sports Association and T&T Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of selecting and training Table Tennis players to participate in competitions. for the People's Public Security force.

Right at the 2024 National Table Tennis Championship, the CAND - T&T table tennis club made a big splash by winning 2 gold medals and 3 silver medals, far exceeding the set target. Previously, police table tennis had never won a gold medal at the national tournament. However, the partnership with T&T Group has helped raise the level of table tennis of the People's Public Security, helping the police table tennis sector achieve historic achievements.

Next, at the 2024 National Youth, Children and Youth Table Tennis Tournament, the CAND - T&T table tennis club excellently won first place in the group with 13 gold medals, 7 silver medals and 10 bronze medals. In early August, T&T Group awarded nearly 1.5 billion VND to motivate and encourage morale, as well as recognize the contributions of coach Vu Manh Cuong and excellent students like Dinh. Mr. Hoang, Tran Mai Ngoc, Le Dinh Duc..., record rewards in the Vietnamese table tennis industry.

According to Mr. Do Vinh Quang, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of T&T Group, the impressive achievements that the CAND - T&T table tennis club have achieved in recent times have proven that the decision to cooperate between the Vietnam People's Public Security Sports Association and T&T Group is complete. Completely accurate and effective at the present time and in accordance with future trends, both domestically and internationally. These are important starting milestones, a turning point for a special model of socialization and professionalization.

CAND - T&T table tennis club received an award for achieving first place in the 2024 youth, junior, and children's table tennis tournament.
CAND - T&T table tennis club received an award for achieving first place in the 2024 youth, junior, and children's table tennis tournament.

Speaking at the event, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang emphasized that in recent years, physical training and sports work in the People's Public Security Forces has achieved many important results.

Many professional sports clubs were established and participated in domestic and international tournaments such as: Hanoi Police Football Club, PVF - CAND; CAND - T&T Table Tennis Club... Although some teams have just been established and put into operation, they have achieved very commendable achievements.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang sincerely thanks the coordination, help and facilitation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Department of Sports and Physical Training, federations, national sports associations, and sponsors. Support for the work of physical education and sports of the People's Public Security in particular, the work of ensuring security and order and building the People's Public Security force in general in recent times; We hope to continue to receive attention and support from units in all aspects of our work.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang also proposed that the Vietnam People's Public Security Sports Association coordinate with functional units to actively mobilize social resources to participate in developing physical training and sports work of the People's Public Security force, soon make CAND sports one of the spearhead units of the country's sports, contributing to the development of professional sports and high-performance sports.

Thạch Lam

Tập đoàn T&T Group được vinh danh Nơi làm việc tốt nhất Châu Á 2024

Thạch Lam |

Tập đoàn T&T Group xuất sắc được vinh danh Nơi làm việc tốt nhất Châu Á 2024 - giải thưởng danh giá trong lĩnh vực nhân sự cấp khu vực.

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Thạch Lam |

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NSND Thế Hiển đã tỉnh lại, nói chuyện được sau cơn nguy kịch


Trao đổi với Báo Lao Động, nhà thơ Lê Minh Quốc - đồng nghiệp của NSND Thế Hiển - nói sức khỏe của NSND Thế Hiển đã tiến triển tốt hơn sau cơn nguy kịch.

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