Raw shrimp prices in Ca Mau hit bottom, farmers complained of difficulty


Ca Mau - Shrimp prices are low, it can be said to have hit bottom compared to previous years, shrimp farmers face many difficulties, especially super-intensive shrimp farmers.

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Thong, Tan Thanh B hamlet, Ta An Khuong Nam commune, Dam Doi district, said that he has been raising super-intensive shrimp for 9 years, but there has never been a year when shrimp prices have dropped as dramatically as this year.

Mr. Thong lamented: "I raise 2 super-intensive shrimp ponds, with an area of ​​about 6,000 square meters. In the last farming season, I just finished harvesting, reaching 43 fish/kg but the selling price was only 98,000 VND/kg, earning 350 million VND, while the cost of 2 ponds for 65 days cost about 330 million VND. If we include labor costs, it will be considered a capital loss."

Even though it's the main season, few people dare to raise shrimp because the price of raw shrimp in Bac Lieu and Ca Mau has hit bottom. Photo: Nhat Ho
Even though it's the main season, few people dare to raise shrimp because the price of raw shrimp in Bac Lieu and Ca Mau has hit bottom. Photo: Nhat Ho

On the contrary, food prices continue to increase, making it even more difficult for farmers. According to farmers' calculations, the average cost of food for 1 ton of shrimp is 1 - 1.3 tons of food. The average food price is 45,000 VND/kg, equivalent to about 50 million VND/ton of shrimp.

Mr. Huynh Chi Ai, Tan Thanh B hamlet, Ta Khuong Nam commune, also raised 2 super-intensive shrimp ponds covered with tarpaulin but did not get much income.

Mr. Ai was very sad: "From the beginning of the year until now, the price of shrimp has been so low. I raised shrimp to reach the first head but the price kept falling so I didn't make a profit. I mainly used the work to make a profit. In addition, shrimp farming has not been favorable recently, and the water environment is also polluted, so treatment costs are high.

Super-intensive shrimp harvesting in Ca Mau, despite achieving productivity, prices have hit rock bottom so farmers are not profitable. Photo: Nhat Ho
Super-intensive shrimp harvesting in Ca Mau, despite achieving productivity, prices have hit rock bottom so farmers are not profitable. Photo: Nhat Ho

Regarding shrimp purchasing businesses, Mr. Phan Van Tam, Director of Administration - Human Resources, Minh Phu Ca Mau Seafood Group Joint Stock Company, said that shrimp prices at this time are the lowest ever, in At that time, this year's export output was relatively good. Currently, the company purchases about 150 tons of raw shrimp every day. Current shrimp production is enough to meet demand.

Mr. Tam said, businesses cannot increase purchasing prices because when exporting, they will not compete with India and Ecuador, these are two countries that currently have very low shrimp selling prices.

Mr. Phan Hoang Vu, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ca Mau province, analyzed that the reason shrimp prices decreased was due to the influence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, inflation, and decreased demand while supply did not decrease. ; Logistics costs have increased very high, 2-3 times higher than before; In some large export markets, consumption is still limited. This leads to very low export shrimp prices.

Export seafood processing factories in Ca Mau say they sympathize with farmers but find it difficult to increase prices because Vietnamese shrimp faces competition in the US and European markets. Photo: Nhat Ho
Export seafood processing factories in Ca Mau say they sympathize with farmers but find it difficult to increase prices because Vietnamese shrimp faces competition in the US and European markets. Photo: Nhat Ho

It is forecasted that from now until the end of the year, it is likely that shrimp prices will increase due to the supply and demand situation at the end of the year in some major markets, and domestic demand in the last months of the year will also increase. Accordingly, the functional branches advise people to choose appropriate farming models that save costs and reduce costs such as improved extensive shrimp farming in 2-3 stages, developing shrimp-rice models, shrimp - forest.

According to the update of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on the latest price situation of raw shrimp in Ca Mau province, for vannamei shrimp in canvas ponds: 25 shrimp/kg priced at 128,000 VND; 30 pieces/kg price 123,000 VND; 40 pieces/kg price 103,000 VND; 50 pieces/kg price 97,000 VND; 100 pieces/kg price 86,000 VND. For black tiger shrimp, 20 shrimp/kg costs 210,000 VND; 30 pieces/kg price 155,000 VND; 40 pieces/kg price 125,000 VND.


Không phải thủ phủ tôm, Cà Mau tổ chức Festival tôm định kỳ


Dù không phải thủ phủ tôm, nhưng tỉnh Cà Mau sẽ tổ chức Festival tôm định kỳ 3 năm một lần; sự kiện Ngày hội cua và các sản phẩm OCOP mỗi năm tổ chức một lần.

Giá tôm tăng vẫn chưa hấp dẫn người nuôi


Bạc Liêu - Nhiều hộ nuôi tôm tại tỉnh Bạc Liêu vẫn đang treo ao chưa vội thả giống nuôi trở lại hoặc có thả nuôi, nhưng giảm diện tích do chi phí đầu vào vẫn cao dẫn đến khó đảm bảo lợi nhuận.

Giá tôm giảm trong khi giá lúa tăng, người dân muốn trồng lúa trên đất nuôi tôm


Bạc Liêu - Giá tôm giảm liên tục khiến người nuôi tôm gặp khó. Ngay vùng sản xuất lúa tôm tại tỉnh Bạc Liêu, nhiều người toan tính trồng lúa trên đất tôm, dù thủy lợi chưa thuận lợi.

Giá tôm giảm mạnh, người nuôi đứng trước bài toán bán lỗ hay nuôi tiếp


Giá tôm thương lái thu mua hiện nay giảm trung bình khoảng 50.000 đồng/kg so với thời điểm này vào năm 2022 khiến người nuôi tôm ở Kiên Giang trong cảnh chọn bán lỗ hoặc cho ăn cầm chừng nuôi tiếp chờ giá lên.

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