Depositing money at Vietcombank or Agribank to get higher interest rate?

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Bank Interest Rate: Compare Vietcombank and Agribank interest rates, where is the best place to save money?

Compare interest rates of Vietcombank and Agribank

According to Lao Dong, savings interest rates at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) currently fluctuate between 1.6-4.7%/year.

The online savings interest rate table at Vietcombank is currently listed as follows:

Interest Rate for 1-month term deposits is 1.6%/year.

Interest Rate for 3-month term deposits is 1.9%/year.

Interest Rate for 6-9 month term deposits is 2.9%/year.

Interest Rate for 12-month term deposits is 4.6%/year.

Interest Rate for 24-month term deposits is 4.7%/year

The Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank) currently holds the highest interest rate for terms of 1-3-6-9 months among the Big4 banks, fluctuating between 2.0-4.8%/year.

The online deposit interest rate table at Agribank is listed as follows:

Interest Rate for 1 month term is 2.0%/year.

3-month Interest Rate increased at 2.5%/year.

Interest Rate for 6-9 month term increased at 3.3%/year.

Interest Rate for 12-18 month term is 4.7%/year.

Interest Rate for 24-36 month term is 4.8%/year.

Thus, the online interest rate at Agribank is currently listed to be about 0.4-0.5% higher than the interest rate at Vietcombank. In addition, the savings interest rate at Agribank's counter currently fluctuates between 1.6-4.8%/year, about 0.1% higher than the interest rate at Vietcombank's counter for long terms.

Deposit 500 million VND at Agribank, how much interest do you receive?

Readers can quickly calculate bank interest using the following formula:

Interest = Deposit x interest rate (%)/12 months x number of months of deposit.

Thus, depositing 500 million at Agribank, customers can receive the highest interest rate as follows (applicable to online deposits):

1 month term: 833,333 VND.

3 month term: 3,125,000 VND.

6 month term: 8,250,000 VND.

9 month term: 12,375,000 VND.

12 month term: 23,500,000 VND.

Term 36 months: 72,000,000 VND.

* Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more articles about interest rates HERE.

Nhóm PV

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