Yen Bai

Hundreds of young people in Yen Bai highlands volunteer to join the army


In 2025, Yen Bai province was assigned the target of recruiting 1,369 citizens, of which 243 young people volunteered to join the army.

Leaders of Yen Bai province offer incense at the tomb area of ​​Nguyen Thai Hoc


On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of Yen Bai uprising (10.2.1930 - 10.2.2025), on the morning of February 10, the leader of Yen Bai province came to offer incense at the tomb of Nguyen Thai Hoc with colleagues.

Inauguration of the sports stadium of Yen Bai Province


This is the first year of the sports competition "to celebrate the Party, celebrate spring, to celebrate the country of the homeland" held at the sports stadium of Yen Bai Province.

Yen Bai Provincial Trade Union streamlines apparatus, improves efficiency


On February 5, the Yen Bai Provincial Federation of Labor (YLW) held a conference to announce decisions on restructuring and streamlining the organizational structure and personnel work.

Yen Bai collects nearly 100 billion VND from tourists during Tet holiday


During the 2025 Lunar New Year holiday, the mountainous province of Yen Bai welcomed 39,000 overnight guests, with estimated revenue reaching nearly 100 billion VND.

Yen Bai has new District Party Secretary


On the afternoon of February 3, at Van Yen District Party Committee, a conference was held to announce and present the Decision of approval of the Standing Committee of Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee on personnel work.

Yen Bai has a Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial Party Committee's Inspection Commission


On the afternoon of February 3, the Standing Committee of Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee held a conference to announce and present the Decision on personnel work.

Beautiful frost in Mu Cang Chai at the end of the year


Yen Bai - On the last day of December, the temperature in the mountainous district of Mu Cang Chai dropped sharply, and white ice and snow appeared.

Appointment and transfer of personnel in Dak Lak, Yen Bai, Bac Ninh


From January 20-24, the provinces of Ca Mau, Bac Ninh, Tra Vinh, Yen Bai, Dak Lak, Hoa Binh... implemented decisions on election, assignment, transfer, and appointment of personnel.

Yen Bai Provincial Trade Union gives Tet gifts to workers


On January 23, Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation organized a program to give Tet gifts to union members, civil servants, public employees and workers on the occasion of Lunar New Year.

Flood-hit areas in At Thuong have a place to live before the New Year


Yen Bai - 35 new houses have been built, bringing hope to people in the At Thuong flood area.

Presenting 1 billion VND and hundreds of gifts to Mu Cang Chai district


On January 19, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial People's Committee and a delegation from the State Bank of Vietnam presented Tet gifts in Mu Cang Chai district.

Minister of Home Affairs presents 3,200 Tet gifts in Yen Bai province


On January 18, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra visited and presented gifts to policy families, poor households and people affected by storm No. 3 in Yen Bai.

To Day flowers bloom in the mountains and forests of the Northwest


To Day flower possesses the wild, elegant and pure beauty of the mountains and forests of Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai.

5,000 Yen Bai workers enjoy a warm and prosperous Tet thanks to the Trade Union


On January 16, the Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation organized the program "Tet Sum Vay - Spring of gratitude to the Party" to encourage, share and care for union members and workers.