Ha Tinh ended a series of behind schedule projects


From the beginning of 2024 until now, Ha Tinh authorities have terminated operations with 13 projects, and are reviewing and advising on handling hundreds of other projects.

Mr. Tran Viet Ha - Director of Ha Tinh Department of Planning and Investment - said that currently, the whole province has more than 300 projects behind schedule that must be handled according to regulations. In particular, in Xuan Thanh Tourist Area (Nghi Xuan) there are 73 projects, outside Xuan Thanh Tourist Area there are 240 projects.

From the beginning of 2024 until now, departments, branches, and the Economic Zone Management Board of Ha Tinh province have terminated operations with 8 projects in the economic zone and industrial zones.

These are projects: Stone processing, construction of Vung Ang commercial concrete and asphalt mixing plant; Factory producing functional foods and foods; Factory for packaging medical testing chemicals and producing and processing garbage incinerators; General processing area; Raw material and metal processing factory; Dai Kim general commercial service area; Nam Ha Tinh Petroleum and Trading Service Store; Kim Ngan Trade, Service and Hotel Center.

In addition to the economic zone, the industrial park has also terminated 5 projects, including: Building an organic agricultural production area on degraded sandy soil in Cam Duong commune, Cam Xuyen district; Vietnam Deer Breeding Center in Huong Son district; Construction of urban area in Thach Trung commune, Ha Tinh city; Thuong Phu mechanical production and commercial area at Phu Viet Industrial Park, Thach Ha district; Producing vegetables, tubers, and fruits on uncultivated and degraded coastal sandy land in Thach Van commune, Thach Ha district.

In addition, Ha Tinh Department of Planning and Investment has handled 12 projects with administrative violations in the investment field, sanctioning a total amount of more than 700 million VND.

Ha Tinh Department of Natural Resources and Environment inspected the land use management of 25 land use organizations, handled 1 project for administrative violations in the land field, and fined a total of 60 million VND. copper;

Advise on land use extension for 15 projects that violate land law (land use delay exceeds 24 months), the person whose land use is extended must pay the State a corresponding land rent of 3 81 billion VND, so far 1.36 billion VND has been paid.

An abandoned project wastes land and invested assets in Dai Kim Industrial Park (Huong Son, Ha Tinh). Photo: Tran Tuan.
An abandoned project wastes land and invested assets in Dai Kim Industrial Park (Huong Son, Ha Tinh). Photo: Tran Tuan.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is continuing to inspect and review land use projects in the province that are behind schedule and have had their land use extended but are not completed and will reclaim the land unless there are unavoidable reasons. resistance and continue to inspect the land use of organizations according to plans.

The Economic Zone Management Board of Ha Tinh province has organized the inspection and extension of land use progress for 4 projects and is continuing to review and handle other projects in the economic zone and industrial zones according to authorization.

Mr. Tran Viet Ha said that Ha Tinh departments, branches and localities assigned to handle projects that are behind schedule have actively implemented them.

However, due to the large number of projects, the backlog content is quite complicated, the coordination of some project owners is not good, the legal framework for handling the backlog is not complete... the result is Handling projects that are behind schedule and still have limitations and problems.

“Currently, the Ha Tinh Department of Planning and Investment is continuing to review the remaining projects and will advise on terminating operations of projects that have been sanctioned for administrative violations but continue to violate them. ", Mr. Ha affirmed.


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23 tàu du lịch vẫn ngâm nước biển vì khó tìm thợ trục vớt

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Ông Nguyễn Nhân Chiến - cựu Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Bắc Ninh bị cáo buộc tạo điều kiện cho Công ty AIC và được bà chủ doanh nghiệp này cảm ơn nhiều tỉ đồng.