Bank Interest Rates Today, September 11: "Big Guys" Continuously Increase Interest Rates

Hà Vy |

Bank Interest Rate today 9/11: "Big 4" continues to increase interest rates. Summary of highest savings interest rates of Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, BIDV,...

Interest Rate Agribank unexpectedly adjusted up some terms. About a month ago, this “big guy” was also the only bank in the big4 group to increase deposit interest rates.

Accordingly, the interest rate for 1-2 month term deposits increased by 0.2%/year to 2%/year. The interest rate for online deposits for 3-5 month term deposits increased by 0.3%/year to 2.5%/year. The interest rate for banks for 6-9 month term deposits was adjusted up slightly by 0.1%/year to 3.3%/year.

GPBank also increased the interest rate for 1-9 month terms by 0.2%/year. The 1-month term increased to 3.2%/year, the 2-month term to 3.7%/year, the 3-month term to 3.72%/year, the 4-month term to 3.74%/year, the 5-month term to 3.75%/year, the 6-month term to 5.05%/year, the 7-month term to 5.15%/year, the 8-month term to 5.3%/year and the 9-month term to 5.4%/year.

VietBank has also continued to increase short-term deposit interest rates. Accordingly, online deposit interest rates for 1-4 month terms increased by 0.2%/year. Currently, the 1-month deposit interest rate at this bank is 3.8%/year, 2-month term 3.9%/year, 3-month term 4%/year, 4-month term 4.1%/year.

Thus, from the beginning of September until now, the market has recorded 5 banks increasing interest rates: Agribank, GPBank, VietBank, OceanBank and Dong A Bank.

Previously, in August, the market recorded 17 banks increasing savings interest rates, including: Eximbank, ACB, Agribank, Sacombank, Saigonbank, VietBank, TPBank, CBBank, VIB, Dong A Bank, VPBank, Techcombank, SHB, VietBank, PVCombank, Nam A Bank, HDBank.

Currently, PvcomBank's interest rate is at its highest level, up to 9.5% for a 12-month term, with conditions applied to a minimum deposit of VND 2,000 billion.

Next is HDBank with a fairly high interest rate, 8.1%/year for a 13-month term and 7.7% for a 12-month term, with a minimum balance of VND500 billion. This bank also applies a 6% interest rate for an 18-month term.

MSB also applies quite high interest rates with interest rates at bank counters up to 8%/year for 13-month term and 7% for 12-month term. The applicable conditions are that new savings books or savings books opened from January 1, 2018 automatically renew with a term of 12 months, 13 months and a deposit amount of 500 billion VND or more.

Dong A Bank has a deposit interest rate, term of 13 months or more, end-of-term interest with deposits of 200 billion VND or more, applying an interest rate of 7.5%/year.

Cake by VPBank applies an interest rate of 6.1% for a 12-month term; NCB, and OceanBank apply an interest rate of 6.1% for a 24-month term.

BVBank and Cake by VPBank also apply 6% interest rate for 24-month and 12-month terms; VRB and Dong A Bank apply 6% interest rate for 24-month terms; SaigonBank applies 6% interest rate for 13, 18 and 24-month terms, and 6.1% for 36-month terms.

Statistics of banks with the highest savings interest rates today:

Top ngan hang co lai suat cao nhat thi truong hien nay. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Top banks with the highest interest rates on the market today. Graphics: Ha Vy

Compare highest bank interest rates for 3-month term

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 3 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 3-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Interest Rate for 6-month savings deposits at banks

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 6 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 6-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Want to save for 12 months, which bank has the highest interest rate?

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 12 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 12-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Latest update of Agribank interest rates, Sacombank interest rates, SCB interest rates, Vietcombank interest rates... highest for 24-month term.

So sanh lai suat ngan hang cao nhat o ky han 24 thang. Do hoa: Ha Vy
Compare the highest bank interest rates for 24-month terms. Graphics: Ha Vy

Interest rate information is for reference only and may change from time to time. Please contact the nearest bank transaction point or hotline for specific advice.

Readers can refer to more articles about interest rates HERE.

Hà Vy

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