A series of businesses are continuously late paying their due bonds

Lục Giang |

The bond market recorded businesses continuously announcing delays in repaying due bonds such as Fuji Nutri Food, Duong Man, and Novaland.

Fuji Nutri Food Joint Stock Company is slow to pay principal and interest, bond code FNFCH2223001 with interest payment of 133.5 billion VND and principal debt payment of 998 billion VND. Thus, the total amount of late principal and interest paid by the enterprise is 1,131.5 billion VND.

According to the announcement, the planned payment date is August 12, 2024, however, Fuji Nutri Food said that the company has not yet arranged the source in time, so the expected payment date has been postponed to August 21, 2024. Up to now, the company has not announced information related to the payment of principal and interest on this bond code.

This is not the first time Fuji Nutri Food has delayed bond repayments. In 2023, the business has announced 4 times late payment of interest on due bonds, interests ranging from 20 billion to more than 25 billion VND.

Previously, in August 2023, the above batch of bonds was extended by Fuji Nutri Food for another year, with the initial 12-month term adjusted to 24 months.

According to data from the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), Fuji Nutri Food only issued 2 bond lots, FNFCH2223001 and FNFCH2124001, with a total value of 1,720 billion VND. Both have reached maturity on August 12, 2024 and March 18, 2024. However, the business could not pay on time and continuously announced late payment of principal and interest for both bond codes.

Fuji Nutri Food continuously delays bond repayments in the context of poor business performance. In 2023, the company reported a profit of less than 2 billion VND, while in 2022 a loss of more than 8 billion VND.

Regarding the financial situation, as of the end of 2023, Fuji Nutri Food's equity is at 643 billion VND, with insignificant fluctuations compared to the previous year. Liabilities/equity is at 2,869 times, corresponding to liabilities of 1,845 billion VND, most of which is outstanding bond debt, with 1,718 billion VND.

Similarly for Duong Man Joint Stock Company, this enterprise only circulates a single batch of bonds code DMBond2017 with a term of 7 years, due on November 20, 2024 with a total issuance value of 200 billion VND, interest rate of 10,000 VND. 75%/year and interest paid every three months.

However, in the first half of 2024, Duong Man has not paid two bond interest periods with a total amount of more than 12.6 billion VND because the company has not yet arranged the payment source.

Previously, in 2023, Duong Man had 4 unpaid interest payments and 1 unpaid bond principal. The total amount of interest to be paid is more than 25 billion VND and the principal amount is 100 billion VND.

In the first half of 2024, Duong Man lost after tax more than 20 billion VND, while in the same period last year the company lost nearly 51 billion VND. Accumulated from 2020 - 2023, the company recorded a loss of up to 228 billion VND.

Continuous losses also caused the business's equity to decrease by 27% to more than 53 billion VND. The debt/equity ratio increased from 15.18 to 21.08 times, corresponding to total liabilities at the end of the second quarter of 2024 at VND 1,130 billion. Of which, outstanding bond debt is 200 billion VND.

No Va Real Estate Investment Group Joint Stock Company (Novaland - HoSE: NVL) has also just announced the delay in payment of 38.2 billion VND in interest for 3 lots of bonds including: NVL2020-02-450 (24.7 billion VND) , NVL2020-02-100 (5.5 billion VND) and NVL2020-02-150 (8.3 billion VND). The reason given is that the business is arranging funds for payment.

These batches of bonds were issued in 2020, have a term of 4 years, and are expected to mature in 2024. Recently, Novaland has applied to extend 17 batches of bonds issued from 2024, with terms from 4 years to After 5 years, after the extension, the bond maturity date will change from 2024 to 2025. However, only 8/17 bond lots are accepted for extension and the 3 bond lots mentioned above are not on this list. .

Lục Giang

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