Many driving forces for Vietnam's economic growth

Tuyết Lan |

According to the World Bank (WB) forecast, Vietnam's economy is expected to grow by 6.1% in 2024 and could increase to 6.5% in 2025-2026. According to experts, this forecast is appropriate, and could even be more optimistic because Vietnam has many factors supporting growth.

Vietnam's economy gradually regains its form

In its recently released Vietnam economic update report, the World Bank forecast Vietnam's GDP to grow by 6.1%, much higher than the 5.5% the organization predicted in April.

According to the World Bank, Vietnam's GDP continues to grow, likely reaching 6.5% in the next two years. In addition to the World Bank, many other international financial organizations also forecast Vietnam's growth this year at 6%, including the IMF, ADB, UOB and Standard Chartered. HSBC even forecasts an increase of 6.5%.

Assessing the forecasts of the World Bank and international organizations, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thuong Lang - senior lecturer at the National Economics University - said that Vietnam's economy in the coming time can completely grow to 6.5%, even approaching 7% because there are many good drivers and opportunities for development. After a year of stagnation due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has gradually regained its form.

Vietnam has many positive driving forces that mainly help economic growth such as: domestic consumption, public investment, import and export and foreign investment capital. In addition, according to this expert, Vietnam currently has a series of driving forces to promote growth in digital transformation, green transformation, business environment and specific mechanisms.

Vietnam has many institutions to take the lead, shift towards digitalization, comply with sustainable development standards and solve social problems. This is the new driving force for Vietnamese enterprises to adjust their strategies, and the State to adjust policies to seize great opportunities from the international community.

Vietnam’s growth is expected to improve further, driven by a recovery in exports, tourism, consumption and investment. Despite the outlook, risks remain both external and domestic.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thuong Lang, in addition to a series of opportunities and positive motivations, Vietnam is also facing a number of challenges such as competition with regional rivals in terms of export goods . The ability to grasp and develop new technology and high-tech industries is still limited. “To take advantage of opportunities and overcome challenges, Vietnam can implement a number of new solutions and motivations for Vietnam's development, including: Digital transformation, green transformation and improving the business environment. Create specific mechanisms for localities to better exploit local strengths. Banks need to participate more actively in the process of promoting and supporting economic development, instead of just being a place to collect interest. Reform the banking system to better serve the goals of socio-economic development" - Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thuong Lang said.

WB forecasts Vietnam's GDP to continue to increase, possibly reaching 6.5% for the next two years. Photo: Tuyet Lan
WB forecasts Vietnam's GDP to continue to increase, possibly reaching 6.5% for the next two years. Photo: Tuyet Lan

Implement flexible monetary policy

According to the World Bank's assessment, despite many opportunities, Vietnam continues to face limitations in its ability to continue cutting interest rates, due to the large interest rate gap between the domestic and international markets in addition to pressure on exchange rates.

Commenting on this statement, Dr. Chau Dinh Linh - Economic expert, Lecturer at Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City said that our country is currently aiming to maintain stable interest rates as from the beginning of 2024 to now to support and enhance the recovery of economic entities. The State Bank of Vietnam is making efforts to maintain and further reduce interest rates not through operating interest rates but through measures such as: Encouraging banks to reduce costs; using the open market; coordinating on the interbank market and implementing support credit packages...

In addition, high exchange rate pressure due to the interest rate gap between Vietnam and the world has led to foreign capital flowing out of Vietnam. Despite the "surrounding" pressure, the exchange rate situation has recently tended to be more stable thanks to the monetary policy coordination of the State Bank and the forecast that the US Federal Reserve (FED) will cut interest rates. From there, the exchange rate risk will decrease, and the room for Vietnam's monetary policy will increase.

“In recent times, the State Bank has had flexible monetary policies, operating smoothly towards the stability of currency value, safety - stability of the banking system with many different tools such as flexible credit limits, operating smoothly the OMO market, central exchange rate, operating interest rate, ... but there are still risks that need to be well controlled such as: credit risk, exchange rate risk, liquidity risk, ... In the coming time, to prevent credit risks, Vietnam needs to ensure the bad debt ratio is at a controllable level, below 3% for the whole system" - Dr. Chau Dinh Linh proposed.

Striving for GDP growth rate in 2024 to reach about 7%

On September 2, Politburo member and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Official Dispatch No. 85/CD-TTg on managing the State budget estimates, sent to Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies; Chairmen of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.

In the telegram, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to increase savings in regular spending, focus resources on increasing investment in infrastructure development, and prevent and overcome the consequences of natural disasters.

Focus on implementing fiscal and monetary policy solutions and other issued macroeconomic policies to remove difficulties for businesses and people, control inflation, maintain macroeconomic stability, maintain growth momentum and ensure major balances of the economy; strive for a GDP growth rate of about 7% for the whole year of 2024, exceeding the set target, creating the premise and momentum for 2025 and the 2026-2030 period.

For 2025, in addition to the 10% savings in regular expenditures to create a source for salary reform as prescribed, in the implementation organization, ministries, agencies and localities shall synchronously implement solutions to review, restructure and arrange spending tasks, striving to save an additional 10% of the increased regular expenditures of the 2025 budget estimate compared to the 2024 budget estimate to reserve resources to reduce the state budget deficit or for urgent and arising tasks, to implement social security tasks of each ministry, agency and locality or to supplement development investment expenditures.

Implement budget expenditures in accordance with prescribed regulations, within the assigned budget, ensuring strictness, thrift and efficiency; focus resources on implementing salary reform policies, social security policies and regimes, hunger eradication and poverty reduction; cut down regular expenditure estimates assigned to ministries and central agencies but not yet allocated to budget spending units by June 30, 2024. PHAM DONG

Tuyết Lan

Gia Lai đẩy nhanh dự án xây dựng Khu Kinh tế cửa khẩu


Khi hạ tầng được hoàn thiện, tỉnh Gia Lai xác định sẽ thu hút các nhà đầu tư vào hoạt động tại Khu Kinh tế cửa khẩu Lệ Thanh.

Dấu ấn ngoại giao kinh tế

Ngọc Vân |

Trong 8 tháng đầu năm 2024, công tác ngoại giao kinh tế đã được triển khai một cách bài bản và hiệu quả, đóng góp thực chất vào phát triển kinh tế - xã hội.

Tập trung thúc đẩy tăng trưởng gắn với ổn định kinh tế vĩ mô

Phạm Đông |

Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu các bộ, ngành, địa phương tiếp tục phấn đấu hoàn thành cao nhất mục tiêu phát triển KTXH năm 2024, trong đó, ưu tiên thúc đẩy tăng trưởng gắn với giữ vững ổn định kinh tế vĩ mô, trọng tâm là kiểm soát lạm phát, bảo đảm các cân đối lớn của nền kinh tế.

Vụ sập cầu Phong Châu, tìm thấy 1 thi thể trong xe tải dưới sông

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Chiều 20.9, lực lượng chức năng trong quá trình trục vớt kết cấu cầu Phong Châu bị sập và phương tiện đã phát hiện 1 thi thể trong chiếc xe tải.

Cựu lãnh đạo SCB khai mẹ và dì cũng là bị hại của mình

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Cựu Tổng Giám đốc Ngân hàng SCB - Trương Khánh Hoàng cho biết, bản thân ân hận, xót xa vì có nhiều bị hại trong vụ án, trong đó có mẹ và dì của bị cáo.

Đánh người đấu giá đất ngay trụ sở UBND thị trấn ở Bình Định

Hoài Phương |

Công an huyện Phù Cát (Bình Định) đang vào cuộc làm rõ vụ đánh người tham gia đấu giá đất xảy ra tại trụ sở UBND thị trấn Cát Tiến.

Quảng Nam sẽ xây nhà mới cho cả làng bị họa sạt lở đe dọa

Hoàng Bin |

Quảng Nam sẽ bố trí tái định cư trước Tết cho cả ngôi làng phải di dời khẩn cấp do vết nứt lớn trên đồi cao đe dọa.

Công an xuất hiện tại công ty trúng nhiều gói thầu


Lực lượng Công an huyện Bảo Lâm (Lâm Đồng) đã có mặt tại trụ sở Công ty TNHH xây dựng và thương mại Tập đoàn Việt Anh.