THILOGI upgrades the complete logistics service chain

Thanh Thảo |

With a highly integrated logistics service chain, THILOGI has effectively exploited local potentials and strengths, contributing to developing the field of forwarding and transportation into a key economic sector of Quang Nam province, while promoting Promote trade and improve competitiveness for exported goods in the Central region.

Advantages of geographical location, full package logistics development

Quang Nam has 13 active industrial parks, 225 investment projects (including 151 domestic projects and 74 FDI projects), increasingly developing transport infrastructure, synchronously linked from the highway, Coastal roads, railways, airports, seaports to international border gates. With those advantages, Quang Nam has much potential to develop logistics . However, currently the province's delivery and transportation service network is still single and unconnected, leading to higher logistics costs than the South and North ends, not promoting efficiency and commensurate with the potential of the province. area.

As a large-scale logistics enterprise, THILOGI aims to develop a centralized logistics network in Central Vietnam, connecting by road with neighboring provinces, the Central Highlands, Southern Laos, and Northern Cambodia. In particular, Chu Lai port is an international goods transshipment center and seaway connection with the South and North, meeting the increasing import and export demand in the region.

THILOGI's comprehensive logistics service model. Photo: Thanh Thao
THILOGI's comprehensive logistics service model. Photo: Thanh Thao

Taking advantage of the geographical location and potential of the region, THILOGI develops a full-service logistics model, serving a diverse customer segment with a service portfolio spanning from seaports, warehousing, and multimodal transportation. mode (sea, road, air), support in carrying out customs procedures, import and export documents, packaging services, goods inspection... With a warehouse and yard system of more than 300,000 m2, 500 locations Specialized vehicles (cage trucks, tractors, semi-trailers...), 2 container ships, and a network of major domestic and international transportation partners, shipping lines, and logistics agents, THILOGI currently supplies The most optimal logistics solution for customers.

With a comprehensive logistics model, connecting transportation methods seamlessly from origin to destination, THILOGI helps businesses save time and costs, and goods are also guaranteed to be safe throughout the journey. Currently, THILOGI's transportation service prices are 10% lower than the market, service fees at Chu Lai port are also 5 - 30% lower than other ports in the region, contributing to improving advantages. and competitiveness for businesses.

THILOGI has more than 500 specialized vehicles to transport a variety of goods. Photo: Thanh Thao
THILOGI has more than 500 specialized vehicles to transport a variety of goods. Photo: Thanh Thao

Promote investment and link together for development

In order to increase competitive advantage and create convenience for customers in the delivery and transportation process, THILOGI focuses on perfecting and upgrading full package logistics services through alliances, partnerships and promoting investment.

The Group has cooperated and associated with many shipping lines, logistics businesses, agents, and forwarders to open international transport routes from Chu Lai port to Northeast Asia (China, Korea, Japan), America ( USA, Canada, Mexico...), Europe; connecting roads within the Central region - Central Highlands, inter-regionally along the East-West economic corridor and international transport from Southern Laos, Northern Cambodia, Northeast Thailand. At the same time, THILOGI actively participates and strengthens activities in ASEAN and world logistics associations and organizations (FIATA, WCA, FMC, VLA...) to expand partner networks, access new logistics trends, specialization, contributing to improving service quality.

THILOGI serves domestic and international road transportation. Photo: Thanh Thao
THILOGI serves domestic and international road transportation. Photo: Thanh Thao

Along with the highways in the Central region and the Central Highlands that are being invested in and expanded by the Government to connect logistics infrastructure, THILOGI continues to build warehouses, depots, and transfer stations on roads and corridors. through international border gates (Nam Giang, Bo Y, Le Thanh...), connecting Chu Lai port with Laos, Cambodia, Thailand to promote multimodal transport and cross-border transport, especially for goods transit. Thereby, developing Chu Lai port to become a specialized container port, a gateway for international goods transshipment.

Chu Lai Port invests in modern equipment, improving cargo handling capacity. Thanh Thao's photo
Chu Lai Port invests in modern equipment, improving cargo handling capacity. Thanh Thao's photo

In the coming time, THILOGI will continue to improve the logistics network, synchronously invest in infrastructure and equipment to improve competitiveness through putting a 50,000 ton port into operation. In addition, THILOGI invested in a large number of specialized road transport vehicles, built satellite logistics centers, and gradually formed an international logistics center in Chu Lai, connecting goods in the Central and Western regions. Nguyen, Laos, and Cambodia to the world market.

With an increasingly upgraded package logistics model and optimal solutions, THILOGI meets a variety of customer needs and contributes to creating motivation to attract investment in Quang Nam province.

Thanh Thảo

Bức tranh trái chiều doanh nghiệp ngành logistics

Lục Giang |

Trong quý I/2024, nhiều doanh nghiệp ngành logistics tụt dốc, giảm mạnh lợi nhuận, thậm chí thua lỗ. Ngược lại, nhiều doanh nghiệp vẫn tăng trưởng ấn tượng, tuy nhiên tại một số doanh nghiệp, khoản lãi này không đến từ mảng kinh doanh cốt lõi.

Cảng Chu Lai đưa vào vận hành hệ thống cẩu chuyên dụng

Thanh Thảo |

Công ty Cảng biển Quốc tế Chu Lai - Chu Lai Port (Quảng Nam) thuộc Tập đoàn THILOGI vừa đưa vào vận hành chính thức hệ thống cẩu chuyên dụng mới trị giá hơn 400 tỉ đồng. Đây là bước tiến mới về đầu tư nâng cấp thiết bị chuyên dụng trong chiến lược phát triển của cảng nhằm nâng cao năng lực xếp dỡ, gia tăng hiệu quả chuỗi dịch vụ logistics, đáp ứng nhu cầu trung chuyển hàng hóa không ngừng tăng qua khu vực cảng biển tại miền Trung.

Cảng Chu Lai - Kết nối nông sản Việt ra thị trường thế giới

Thanh Thảo |

Với mục tiêu đưa cảng Chu Lai trở thành trung tâm kết nối logistics, thúc đẩy tiêu thụ, xuất khẩu nông sản trong nước, Công ty Giao nhận Vận chuyển Quốc tế Trường Hải (THILOGI) đã triển khai nhiều giải pháp nhằm kết nối hoạt động giao nhận vận chuyển đường bộ - cảng biển - đường biển, tối ưu hóa chuỗi giá trị xuất khẩu nông sản.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

Ngày 14.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (Tổng LĐLĐVN) cùng đoàn công tác tới thăm, tặng quà đoàn viên, công nhân viên chức lao động và người dân bị thiệt hại do lũ lụt tại Hà Giang.

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Brentford đã không thể tạo nên cú sốc trước Man City tại vòng 4 Ngoại hạng Anh, dù đã dẫn trước ngay ở giây thứ 22.

Thị trường ế ẩm, bánh Trung thu truyền thống vẫn đắt hàng

Phương Anh |

Hà Nội - Trái với cảnh nhiều điểm bán bánh Trung thu ế ẩm dù giảm giá, khách vẫn xếp hàng dài chờ mua bánh Trung thu truyền thống trên phố Thụy Khuê.

Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

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Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

Sơn La - Lực lượng chức năng đang khẩn trương di dời người dân một bản ở huyện Bắc Yên để tránh nguy hiểm do xuất hiện vị trí nứt gãy có nguy cơ sạt trượt.