New opportunities, new fortunes for Petrovietnam to develop sustainably


Vietnam Oil and Gas Group ( Petrovietnam ) is facing new opportunities and new fortunes to become a national industrial and energy group.

Leading enterprises of the economy

Looking back on the 49-year journey of construction and development (September 3, 1975 - September 3, 2024), the collective leadership and employees of Petrovietnam through the periods have the right to be proud of what they have contributed to the socio-economic development of the country.

“Aspiration - Intelligence - Professionalism - Loyalty” is the “gene code” of Petrovietnam officers and employees, which is the driving force and the luggage for today's generation to move forward steadily.

With special attention from the Party and State, the Vietnamese Oil and Gas industry has continuously developed, increasingly affirming itself as an important and key economic and technical sector of the country.

Petrovietnam has built a complete and synchronous oil and gas industry system from oil and gas exploration and exploitation to the development of gas - electricity - processing industry and high-quality oil and gas technical services; forming a team of nearly 60,000 highly qualified workers with a sense of responsibility and discipline.

With the synchronous development of the oil and gas industrial chain, Petrovietnam has become the core and nucleus in the formation of concentrated industrial zones in: Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Dong Nai - Hiep Phuoc, Ca Mau, Dung Quat - Quang Ngai, Vung Ang - Ha Tinh, Nghi Son - Thanh Hoa.

This synchronous investment has fundamentally changed the economic structure, bringing in large revenues for the national budget, basically meeting the country's energy and fertilizer needs.

Bringing the jack-up rig into the drilling site. Photo: PVN.
Bringing the jack-up rig into the drilling site. Photo: PVN.

Projects such as Dung Quat Oil Refinery, Ca Mau Gas - Power - Fertilizer Complex... are still operating very effectively, making great contributions to the socio-economic development of the country in general and each region and locality where the project is operating.

Regional-scale projects are clear evidence of the qualifications and capabilities of Vietnamese petroleum engineers and staff , and are an important premise for Petrovietnam to promote the export of petroleum services abroad.

As a leading enterprise of the economy, playing a key role, Petrovietnam is always aware that the Group's operating results have a direct and important impact on the implementation of socio-economic development goals.

Therefore, in any circumstance, no matter how difficult or challenging, the collective leadership and oil and gas workers always maintain faith, calmly overcome difficulties, proactively develop and organize the synchronous implementation of solutions to best fulfill the targets and tasks assigned by the Party and State.

Growth is the lifeblood of business

The fact that Petrovietnam has steadily overcome the "double crisis", regained growth momentum, and continuously set records in production and business in the 2020-2023 period is clear proof of that.

The more steadfast we are in difficulty, the more courageous we are in the face of challenges. Growth is the "vital command" of businesses, a mandatory requirement for the goal of sustainable development.

PVOIL petroleum depot - energy for life. Photo: PVN.
PVOIL petroleum depot - energy for life. Photo: PVN.

At Petrovietnam, in the work of management and operation, this viewpoint and spirit is always emphasized by Mr. Le Manh Hung - Party Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Members (BOM) of Petrovietnam - that it is impossible to go backwards, but must go sideways or up.

In the coming journey, Petrovietnam is aiming and determined to build and develop into a leading national industrial - energy group in the country, with high competitiveness in the region and internationally; playing a core, main force, and leading role, with strong financial potential and advanced scientific level.

That is both a task and a goal, a "command" for the sustainable growth and development of Petrovietnam, so that the Group can maintain its position, role and contribute to the country.

Petrovietnam Chairman of the Board of Directors Le Manh Hung said that in order to effectively implement the development strategy of the Vietnam Oil and Gas industry, Petrovietnam must identify and determine the impacts from the world and regional environment, difficulties and challenges, evaluate resources, and thereby determine development goals, orientations and implementation solutions in the coming time.

Mr. Le Manh Hung also affirmed that the documents, policies, and strategic development orientations, along with the completion of related mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for Petrovietnam to develop, are opportunities and fulcrums for Petrovietnam to overcome difficulties and confidently realize its development goal of becoming a national industrial and energy group with regional and international competitiveness.


Petrovietnam sẵn sàng tâm thế cho chặng đường phát triển mới


Với nguồn lực hiện có, Petrovietnam đủ năng lực và điều kiện để trở thành tập đoàn công nghiệp năng lượng quốc gia theo định hướng của Ðảng, Chính phủ.

Petrovietnam hoàn thành vượt mức kế hoạch 6 tháng đầu năm


Tập đoàn Dầu khí Việt Nam (Petrovietnam) đã vượt qua những khó khăn, hoàn thành vượt mức các chỉ tiêu kế hoạch nửa đầu năm 2024, có tăng trưởng so với năm 2023.

Petrovietnam tăng tốc, đẩy mạnh tiến độ các dự án đầu tư

Thành Chung |

Trong giai đoạn tới, Petrovietnam kiên định với mục tiêu tăng trưởng, đặc biệt chú trọng vào những giải pháp cụ thể nhằm thúc đẩy, tăng tốc triển khai hiệu quả các dự án đầu tư, tài chính đồng bộ với chiến lược phát triển của Tập đoàn thành Tập đoàn Công nghiệp Năng lượng gắn với bảo đảm quốc phòng, an ninh. Từ đó, góp phần giữ vững ổn định kinh tế vĩ mô, kiểm soát lạm phát, bảo đảm các cân đối lớn, thực hiện thắng lợi các mục tiêu, chỉ tiêu phát triển kinh tế - xã hội qua từng năm theo chỉ đạo chung của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

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