Estimated revenue from renewable energy is 1,000 billion VND, only 30% revenue


Renewable energy in Quang Tri province is expected to be the driving force for growth, but revenues are currently not reaching expectations.

According to Mr. Truong Chi Trung - Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Quang Tri province, in the first 6 months of 2024, some sub-sectors of the construction industry such as the electricity production and distribution industry in Quang Tri province only grew by 4%. sixty seven%.

In recent years, in Quang Tri province, the electricity industry has been one of the driving forces driving the province's industrial growth, but last year no more power plants came into operation, which is the reason for the increase. Growth of the electricity industry is low.

In particular, the electricity output of wind power plants in the province in the first months of 2024 decreased compared to the same period in 2023.

Since Decision 39/2018/QD-TTg dated September 10, 2018 on the mechanism to support wind power project development in Vietnam expired, transitional renewable energy projects have been completed, but cannot sell electricity to EVN. Therefore, renewable energy does not contribute to the growth of electricity production as expected, while projects that have been put into operation and generate commercial electricity are at full capacity.

Planting trees to prevent landslides next to wind power projects in mountainous areas of Quang Tri province. Photo: Hung Tho.
Planting trees to prevent landslides next to wind power projects in mountainous areas of Quang Tri province. Photo: Hung Tho.

Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang - Chairman of the People's Council of Quang Tri province, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee said that revenue from renewable energy , especially wind power, has been expected by Quang Tri province for a long time.

Previously, the locality expected that for every 1 MW invested, it would earn 1 billion VND/year, but so far the actual revenue is very low, only 30% of the expected number.

"The reason is that the projects enjoy preferential policies according to the provisions of law. Second, our area does not consume much electricity, so power facilities cannot generate golden hours. Businesses are having difficulty, the province's revenue source is also difficult. Each year, Quang Tri is estimated to collect only 300 billion VND/1,000 billion as expected" - Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang said.

In Quang Tri, there are currently 10 wind power projects that have had their investment policies approved and implemented. Among those 10 projects, 2 projects, Huong Linh 3 and Huong Linh 4, have completed construction investment, but have not completed the procedures for energizing and selling electricity to Vietnam Electricity Group; The remaining 8 projects are being implemented in the stages of site clearance, equipment procurement or initial construction.

In order for energy projects, especially renewable energy, to be effective and contribute revenue to Quang Tri province, this locality has asked relevant units to speed up the progress of site clearance for construction. wind power projects; and negotiate with Vietnam Electricity Group to carry out electricity sales connection for the completed project.

Along with that, in the energy sector, Quang Tri province will focus on speeding up the construction progress of the LNG gas power center, proposing to convert the Quang Tri 1 Thermal Power Plant project to a gas power plant.

According to the Department of Industry and Trade of Quang Tri province, Quang Tri has been included in its electricity development planning and wind power development planning by competent authorities with 31 wind power projects with a total capacity of 1,177.2 MW. To date, there have been 20 projects put into commercial operation with a total capacity of 742.2 MW; 1 project has completed construction and is completing operating procedures; 10 projects have investment policies approved and are being invested with a capacity of 394 MW.


Cần những chính sách đột phá để mở rộng thị trường năng lượng tái tạo

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Lào Cai phạt quán ăn tăng giá bất thường mùa mưa lũ

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Lực lượng chức năng tỉnh Lào Cai đã tiến hành lập biên bản và xử phạt cơ sở kinh doanh dịch vụ ăn uống tại huyện Bảo Thắng.

Trường sạt lở nghiêm trọng, hàng trăm học sinh Thanh Hóa nghỉ học


Thanh Hóa - Do ảnh hưởng của mưa bão, một trường học đang xây dựng thì bị sạt lở nghiêm trọng. Ngay sau đó, ngành chức năng đã cho toàn bộ học sinh nghỉ học.