Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation provides relief to people in flooded areas

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Many necessities, life jackets... were transported by the Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation to people in flooded areas in the province.

On September 10, the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor organized the transportation of relief goods to people in areas (communes and districts) in the province that were deeply flooded due to the recent impact of super typhoon Yagi.

The relief delegation was divided into two groups, of which group 1 led by Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Labor was in charge of transporting relief goods to districts and cities: Thai Nguyen City; Phu Luong; Dinh Hoa and group 2 led by Mr. Doan Manh Thang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Labor directly handed over relief supplies to districts: Phu Binh; Dong Hy.

Mr. Vu Quang Dung - Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation is transporting supplies in Thai Nguyen City.
Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation transports supplies in Thai Nguyen City.

The amount of relief goods including: 300 life jackets, 600 boxes of instant noodles were delivered directly by the Provincial Federation of Labor to the functional forces and local Federation of Labor to provide emergency relief to people facing difficulties, trapped in deep flooded areas, unable to evacuate.

At the flooded area in Thuong Dinh commune (Phu Binh), Vice President of the Labor Federation Doan Manh Thang visited, shared and encouraged families in the flood-affected areas to gradually overcome difficulties, stabilize their lives and give necessities, food, life jackets...

Talking to reporters, Mr. Doan Manh Thang - Vice Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation said that supporting people in damaged and flooded areas is a meaningful act, showing mutual love and solidarity, together overcoming storms and floods.

Necessities were divided to bring relief to the people.
Necessities were divided to bring relief to the people.

The funding for relief assistance to the people is drawn from the regular expenditure fund and social fund. These are funds for social services, charity, natural disasters, the poor, policy households... in Thai Nguyen province.

"In total, in the two areas of Phu Binh and Dong Hy, we transported more than 200 boxes of instant noodles and about 150 life jackets. These are heavily flooded areas that the grassroots union has informed about.

This is a meaningful, humane and social work. The Provincial Federation of Labor is always the leading unit in taking care of people in general and workers, civil servants and laborers in particular," said the leader of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor.

Some images recorded by PV:

Mr. Doan Manh Thang (the first person wearing a life jacket, left) went directly to the houses of people in flooded areas in Thuong Dinh commune (Phu Binh).
The relief team of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor went directly to the houses of people in flooded areas of Thuong Dinh commune (Phu Binh).
The delegation of the Provincial Federation of Labor transported life jackets and necessities to people in flooded areas.
Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation gives life jackets and necessities to people in flooded areas.
Mr. Doan Manh Thang shared and encouraged people in the areas affected by super typhoon Yagi.
Mr. Doan Manh Thang - Vice President of Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation shared and encouraged people in the area affected by super typhoon Yagi.
Hundreds of boxes of instant noodles and life jackets were transported and delivered to people in flooded areas of Dong Hy district.
Hundreds of boxes of instant noodles and life jackets were transported and delivered to people in flooded areas of Dong Hy district.

In recent days, due to the influence of super typhoon Yagi (typhoon No. 3), heavy and prolonged rain has caused rivers and lakes in many places in Thai Nguyen province to rise suddenly and flow rapidly.

The water level of Cau River rose and caused severe flooding in many areas of Dong Bam ward, Tuc Duyen ward... many roads were cut off, thousands of houses were submerged in water.

Many people were trapped and unable to move out of the flooded area. Authorities mobilized inflatable boats to rescue and provide essential supplies.

Due to the complicated situation, people need to proactively evacuate from landslide areas to ensure safety and life.

Millions of arms turn to compatriots affected by storm number 3

Storm No. 3 (Storm Yagi) caused severe damage and impacts in many provinces in the Northern region.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a whole package when full", with the spirit of mutual love that has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people, the Golden Heart Charitable Social Fund calls on philanthropists at home and abroad to join hands to share with people affected by the storm and post-storm circulation.... to soon stabilize their lives.

The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank the precious affection of agencies, businesses, and philanthropists at home and abroad.

Please send all donations to: Tam Long Vang Charity Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch. Or scan the following QR code:

Please transfer money with clear content of support.

Nguyễn Hoàn

15 tỉnh miền Bắc nguy cơ sạt lở và 8 tỉnh khả năng ngập lụt


Ngày 10.9, cơ quan khí tượng đã cảnh báo chi tiết các địa phương nguy cơ sạt lở và ngập lụt do mưa lớn kéo dài.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ đoàn viên vùng ngập lụt nghiêm trọng

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội – Chiều 2.8, ông Phạm Quang Thanh - Chủ tịch LĐLĐ Thành phố Hà Nội đến trao quà cho Công đoàn, đoàn viên vùng ngập lụt.

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Vũ Long |

Các tỉnh, thành phố trên cả nước cần chủ động ứng phó với mưa lớn gây ngập lụt, lũ quét, sạt lở đất.

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Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Bức ảnh cặp vợ chồng địu con nhỏ sơ tán giữa dòng nước lũ thực chất chỉ để làm content câu view.

Đại tướng Phan Văn Giang gửi thư động viên cán bộ, chiến sĩ

Vương Trần |

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Thủ tướng bổ nhiệm 2 Thứ trưởng Bộ Xây dựng


Ông Phạm Minh Hà và ông Nguyễn Việt Hùng vừa được Thủ tướng Chính phủ bổ nhiệm giữ chức Thứ trưởng Bộ Xây dựng.

Lô hàng cứu trợ khẩn cấp đầu tiên từ Australia về Việt Nam

Phạm Huyền |

Chính phủ Australia công bố cung cấp cho Việt Nam khoản viện trợ ban đầu trị giá 3 triệu AUD nhằm ứng phó với các thiệt hại do siêu bão Yagi gây ra.

Phê chuẩn ông Trần Hồng Thái giữ chức Chủ tịch tỉnh Lâm Đồng


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