Tien Giang holds talks on building a strong trade union organization

Thành Nhân |

On July 12, the Confederation of Labor (Confederation) of Tien Giang province organized a discussion on building a strong trade union organization to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Attending the discussion were Mr. Nguyen Kha - former Chief Secretary of the Trade Union Federation of Tien Giang province, Mr. Truong Van Hien - former Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Tien Giang province, leaders of the Confederation of Labor of Tien Giang province, and immediate superior trade union leaders. receiving grassroots and grassroots Trade Union Presidents in the area.

At the seminar , Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Han - Chairwoman of the Grassroots Trade Union of Apache Shoes Vietnam Co., Ltd. - said that in order to promote the building of a strong trade union organization to meet the requirements and tasks in the current situation, Recently, one of the most important tasks of the grassroots Trade Union is to participate with business leaders to well implement regimes and policies for union members and workers.

.Photo: Thanh Nhan
Scene of the discussion on building a strong trade union organization to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation. .Photo: Thanh Nhan

Mr. Dang Van Chien - Chairman of the Trade Union of Industrial Parks in Tien Giang province - recommended that the Trade Union organization should regularly exchange information and build close relationships with functional sectors, businesses and workers. labor.

In particular, the Trade Union must further promote its role in well performing activities to care for union members and workers while clearly affirming its role and representative function, protecting the main legitimate rights and interests. worth of workers; Promote propaganda and mobilization for the development of trade union members in businesses, agencies and units.

Delegates spoke at the seminar on building a strong trade union organization to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation. Photo: Thanh Nhan
Delegates spoke at the seminar on building a strong trade union organization to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation. Photo: Thanh Nhan

Chairman of the Labor Confederation of Tien Giang province Le Minh Hung assessed that the grassroots Trade Union is the place to directly carry out the functions, tasks, guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, resolutions and plans of the Company. superior delegation; is a place to directly propagate and mobilize workers, officials, and laborers. Therefore, if the grassroots Trade Union is strong, the Trade Union organization will be strong and develop.

Mr. Le Minh Hung shared that recently, Tien Giang has concretized instructions at all levels of Trade Unions in the province to build strong grassroots Trade Unions to gradually meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation. In particular, the province focuses on innovating the organization, content, and operating methods in accordance with the needs and aspirations of union members, workers and international integration requirements, improving the quality of operations and building Strong grassroots union.

Thành Nhân

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Thành Nhân |

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Diệu Thúy (LĐLĐ Hải Dương) |

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Minh Nguyễn |

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