Provide free medicine and gifts to people in difficult circumstances

Vũ Tiến |

An Giang – Provincial police coordinated with a medical team from Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy to examine, provide free medicine and give gifts to people in difficult circumstances.

On September 29, An Giang Provincial Police coordinated with a team of doctors from Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy to provide free medical examinations, medicine and gifts to 600 disadvantaged people in Phu Tan district.

Chuong trinh kham benh, cap thuoc mien phi cho nguoi dan huyen Phu Tan do Benh xa Cong an tinh An Giang phoi hop doan thay thuoc Truong Dai hoc Y duoc Can Tho thuc hien. Anh: Vu Tien
The program of free medical examination and medicine for people in Phu Tan district was implemented by An Giang Provincial Police Clinic in coordination with the medical team of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Photo: Vu Tien

To facilitate people's travel, An Giang Provincial Police coordinated with Phu Tan District People's Committee to arrange 02 medical examination points, provide free medicine and give gifts to people in 02 communes of Phu Thanh and Phu Thanh.

At each location, officers, soldiers, doctors and nurses from the Provincial Police Clinic and Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy enthusiastically guided, examined and provided free medicine to 300 people.

Thay thuoc dan su va Cong an phoi hop kham benh, cap thuoc mien phi cho nguoi dan co hoan canh kho khan. Anh: Vu Tien
Civilian doctors and police officers coordinate to examine and provide free medicine to people in difficult circumstances. Photo: Vu Tien

Through the examination, the doctors and nurses advised on how to prevent and treat some major groups of diseases that people often encounter, such as: high blood pressure, stomach diseases, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, eye and ear diseases in the elderly. At the same time, they propagated, mobilized and guided people on how to eat and live hygienically, prevent epidemics and take care of their own health and that of their families.

Ben canh viec kham benh, cap thuoc mien phi, Cong an tinh An Giang con trao tang qua cho 600 nguoi dan. Anh: Vu Tien
In addition to providing free medical examinations and medicine, An Giang Provincial Police also gave gifts to 600 people. Photo: Vu Tien

In addition to providing free medical examinations and medicine, the police force also gave gifts to 600 people who came to see a doctor at 2 locations, with a total cost of medicine and gifts of over 160 million VND.

This act of kindness has brought the people the warmth of joy and happiness. Mr. Nguyen Van Lan (81 years old), residing in Cho Vam town, Phu Tan district, shared: “When coming here, the police force, doctors and nurses welcomed us warmly, guided us enthusiastically, examined us very carefully, gave us free medicine and received gifts; the people here are very happy, excited, and thank the doctors and police force.”

Trao tang tan tay qua cho nguoi dan tham gia kham benh. Anh: Vu Tien
Handing out gifts to people participating in the medical examination. Photo: Vu Tien

Highly appreciating this volunteer activity, Mr. Tang Van Ne, Vice Chairman of Phu Tan District People's Committee said: "The program of medical examination, free medicine distribution and gift giving is a humane and socially meaningful activity, thereby promoting the spirit of volunteering for the community's health of officers and soldiers of An Giang Provincial Police, as well as doctors and nurses of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy and philanthropists".

This is also one of the activities in implementing the theme "An Giang learns and follows the example of Uncle Ho and Uncle Ton in caring for people's lives" of An Giang Provincial Police in recent times.

Vũ Tiến

Từ lớp dạy nghề miễn phí đến lớp dạy chữ cho trẻ em nghèo


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Ninh Phương |

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Phong Linh |

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Ninh Phương |

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