Desolate scene in Youth Village after 16 years


Thanh Hoa - After 16 years since the start of construction of the Song Chang Career Youth Village project, this project has now become desolate, unkempt and damaged.

Accordingly, the Song Chang Entrepreneurial Youth Village project (abbreviated as Song Chang Youth Volunteer Village), invested by Thanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union, was implemented in 2008, on an area of ​​600 hectares (in Xuan commune). Hoa, Nhu Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du
Accordingly, the Song Chang Entrepreneurial Youth Village project (abbreviated as Song Chang Youth Volunteer Village), invested by Thanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union, was implemented in 2008, on an area of ​​600 hectares (in Xuan commune). Hoa, Nhu Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province). Photo: Quach Du
The project has a total investment capital of more than 32 billion VND. The goal of the project is to encourage and attract young people in many places to volunteer to establish long-term careers. Photo: Quach Du
The project has a total investment capital of more than 32 billion VND. The goal of the project is to encourage and attract young people in many places to volunteer to establish long-term careers. Photo: Quach Du
Initially, the project is expected to attract about 150 young households to live. Each union member and youth union member's family, when settling in Song Chang Youth Union Village, will be granted 400 square meters of residential land, 3.2 hectares of farming land and many other support policies. Photo: Quach Du
Initially, the project is expected to attract about 150 young households to live. Each union member and youth union member's family, when settling in Song Chang Youth Union Village, will be granted 400 square meters of residential land, 3.2 hectares of farming land and many other support policies. Photo: Quach Du
Due to the "attractiveness" of the project's initial policies, at one time, Song Chang NLF Village had more than 140 households coming to build houses, live and enthusiastically compete in production. Photo: Quach Du
Due to the "attractiveness" of the project's initial policies, at one time, Song Chang NLF Village had more than 140 households coming to build houses, live and enthusiastically compete in production. Photo: Quach Du
However, after a few years, production and business were not effective and land use rights certificates were not granted, so many people became discouraged, rented them out, and moved to another place to work. Photo: Quach Du
However, after a few years, production and business were not effective and land use rights certificates were not granted, so many people became discouraged, rented them out, and moved to another place to work. Photo: Quach Du
Talking to Labor, Mr. Le Van Tuyen - Chairman of the People's Committee of Xuan Hoa commune, Nhu Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province said that after nearly 10 years of project implementation, (from 2008 to September 2017), Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Hoa signed the Decision to establish Thanh Nien village, Xuan Hoa commune on the basis of the residential cluster of Song Chang NLF Village. Photo: Quach Du
Talking to Labor, Mr. Le Van Tuyen - Chairman of the People's Committee of Xuan Hoa commune, Nhu Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province said that after nearly 10 years of project implementation, (from 2008 to September 2017), Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Hoa signed the Decision to establish Thanh Nien village, Xuan Hoa commune on the basis of the residential cluster of Song Chang NLF Village. Photo: Quach Du
“Since implementing the project, after 16 years, the entire Thanh Nien village now has 90 households, however the number of households currently in the locality to do business and live is only more than 60 households, the rest have gone to work far away. ” - Mr. Tuyen informed. Photo: Quach Du
“Since implementing the project, after 16 years, the entire Thanh Nien village now has 90 households, however the number of households currently in the locality to do business and live is only more than 60 households, the rest have gone to work far away. ” - Mr. Tuyen informed. Photo: Quach Du
Also according to the Chairman of Xuan Hoa Commune People's Committee, up to now, people are managed by the locality, but land is still under the authority of Thanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union. Currently, the biggest difficulty for households in Thanh Nien Village is that they have not been granted a Land Use Rights Certificate, even though they have lived and worked here for many years. Photo: Quach Du
Also according to the Chairman of Xuan Hoa Commune People's Committee, up to now, people are managed by the locality, but land is still under the authority of Thanh Hoa Provincial Youth Union. Currently, the biggest difficulty for households in Thanh Nien Village is that they have not been granted a Land Use Rights Certificate, even though they have lived and worked here for many years. Photo: Quach Du
In addition, the facilities at the Cultural Center of Song Chang Youth Volunteer Village are currently seriously degraded and damaged. Photo: Quach Du
In addition, the facilities at the Cultural Center of Song Chang Youth Volunteer Village are currently seriously degraded and damaged. Photo: Quach Du
The buildings
The rows of houses in the Cultural Center of Song Chang Volunteer Village were invested and built spaciously but are now deserted and abandoned. Photo: Quach Du
The door system is damaged by termites, damaged and broken in many places. Photo: Quach Du
The door system is termite damaged, damaged and scattered in many places. Photo: Quach Du


Khu nhà công nhân hoang tàn thành tụ điểm hút chích ma túy

Lam Thanh |

Sau nhiều năm, dãy nhà công nhân, khu điều hành của Nhà máy xi măng Bắc Kạn (phường Xuất Hóa) đã trở thành bãi hoang tàn, cỏ dại mọc um tùm.

Hoang tàn bên trong nhà máy gang hơn 400 tỉ tại Bắc Kạn

Lam Thanh |

Bắc Kạn - Nhà máy gang Cẩm Giàng có tổng mức đầu tư hơn 430 tỉ đồng, sau thời gian dài dừng hoạt động một số hạng mục đã xuống cấp, cỏ dại mọc um tùm.

Cảnh hoang tàn, nhếch nhác tại khu du lịch Làng Việt cổ - Cố Viên Lầu tại Ninh Bình


Ninh Bình - Hàng chục nghìn mét vuông đất được giao cho doanh nghiệp để làm dự án du lịch Làng Việt cổ - Cố Viên Lầu nhằm khôi phục các nếp nhà cổ, bảo tồn, lưu giữ các giá trị văn hóa truyền thống của dân tộc... và kinh doanh dịch vụ lưu trú du lịch. Tuy nhiên, hiện nay toàn bộ khu du lịch này đã trở nên hoang tàn, nhếch nhác.

Vụ công trình làm nứt nhà dân ở Hà Nội, chính quyền nói gì?


Theo chính quyền phường Quang Trung, hình ảnh công nhân đang làm việc tại công trình số nhà 19, ngõ 136/98 Tây Sơn là để hút nước phòng dịch sốt xuất huyết.

Triều Tiên cho nổ tung tuyến đường bộ nối với Hàn Quốc

Khánh Minh |

Triều Tiên cho nổ tung các tuyến đường nối với Hàn Quốc vốn từng được coi là biểu tượng của sự hợp tác liên Triều.

Thân tín của bà trùm ma túy Oanh "Hà" được trả công 15 tỉ

Việt Dũng |

Trong số hơn 626kg ma túy mua bán xuyên quốc gia do bà trùm Oanh "Hà" cầm đầu, Nguyễn Văn Nam có mặt hầu hết ở các chuyến hàng, nhận công hậu hĩnh.

Bất cập tiền công đức 2 đền ở Ninh Bình do nguồn thu quá lớn


Ninh Bình - Những tồn tại, bất cập trong việc quản lý tiền công đức tại đền Dâu và đền Quán Cháo (thành phố Tam Điệp) là do nguồn thu quá lớn.

Chánh văn phòng hãng luật bị tố đe dọa, xúc phạm phụ nữ


Một chánh văn phòng hãng luật bị tố cáo có hành vi đe dọa, xúc phạm danh dự, nhân phẩm phụ nữ. Người dân đã trình báo sự việc tới cơ quan công an.

The ruined workers' housing area has become a drug gathering spot

Lam Thanh |

After many years, the row of workers' houses and the operating area of ​​the Bac Kan Cement Factory (Xuat Hoa ward) have become desolate , overgrown with weeds.

Hoang tàn bên trong nhà máy gang hơn 400 tỉ tại Bắc Kạn

Lam Thanh |

Bắc Kạn - Nhà máy gang Cẩm Giàng có tổng mức đầu tư hơn 430 tỉ đồng, sau thời gian dài dừng hoạt động một số hạng mục đã xuống cấp, cỏ dại mọc um tùm.

Cảnh hoang tàn, nhếch nhác tại khu du lịch Làng Việt cổ - Cố Viên Lầu tại Ninh Bình


Ninh Bình - Hàng chục nghìn mét vuông đất được giao cho doanh nghiệp để làm dự án du lịch Làng Việt cổ - Cố Viên Lầu nhằm khôi phục các nếp nhà cổ, bảo tồn, lưu giữ các giá trị văn hóa truyền thống của dân tộc... và kinh doanh dịch vụ lưu trú du lịch. Tuy nhiên, hiện nay toàn bộ khu du lịch này đã trở nên hoang tàn, nhếch nhác.