Golden season on high quality rice fields, reducing emissions


Not only does it reduce costs and increase productivity, but the profits of high-quality rice growers and reduced emissions are also increased.

Vu He Thu 2024, tinh Soc Trang trien khai thi diem 50 ha trong lua chat luong cao, giam phat thai tai HTX Nong nghiep Hung Loi, xa Long Duc, (huyen Long Phu) voi 46 ho tham gia.
In the 2024 summer-autumn crop, Soc Trang province will pilot 50 hectares of high-quality rice cultivation and emission reduction at Hung Loi Agricultural Cooperative, Long Duc commune (Long Phu district) with 46 participating households.
Giong lua duoc chon gieo sa la ST25, thoi gian sinh truong 105 ngay. Mo hinh duoc ap dung quy trinh ky thuat san xuat lua chat luong cao va phat thai thap vung DBSCL theo quyet dinh cua Cuc Trong trot.
The variety selected for sowing is certified ST25, with a growth period of 105 days. The model applies the technical process of producing high-quality and low-emission rice in the Mekong Delta region according to the decision of the Department of Crop Production.

Khi tham gia mo hinh nong dan duoc ho tro 100% chi phi gieo sa va doi ung 50% giong, vat tu nong nghiep.
When participating in the model, farmers are supported 100% of sowing costs and 50% of seeds and agricultural materials.

Trong qua trinh canh tac lua, thu hoach, nong dan con duoc ho tro ve ky thuat, co gioi hoa.
In addition, technical support and mechanization are also provided from land preparation, seeding, spraying to harvesting.
Ong Truong Van Hung - Giam doc HTX Nong nghiep Hung Loi cho biet, gieo sa bang may da giup giam 10kg/ha giong (60kg/ha) so voi nong dan lam ngoai mo hinh; giam 4 lan phun thuoc BVTV va giam tren 41% dam so voi ngoai mo hinh. Tong chi phi dau vao giam tu 10-15%. Sau khi tru chi phi, loi nhuan cua mo hinh thi diem cao hon 5,2 trieu dong so voi ngoai mo hinh (tang 12%).
Mr. Truong Van Hung - Director of Hung Loi Agricultural Cooperative said that sowing by machine has helped reduce 10 kg/ha of seeds (60kg/ha) compared to farmers doing outside the model; reduce 4 times of spraying pesticides and reduce over 41% of nitrogen compared to outside the model. Total input costs have decreased by 10-15%. After deducting costs, the profit of the pilot model is 5.2 million VND higher than outside the model (up 12%).
Ong Nguyen Cong Huong co 2ha lua tham gia mo hinh thi diem. Nang suat dat gan 7 tan/ha va duoc doanh nghiep thu mua voi gia 10.800 dong/kg, tru chi phi loi nhuan tren 50 trieu dong/ha.
Mr. Nguyen Cong Huong has 2 hectares of rice participating in the pilot model. The yield reached nearly 7 tons/ha and was purchased by the enterprise at 10,800 VND/kg, after deducting costs, the profit was over 50 million VND/ha.

Mo hinh thi diem ap dung quy trinh ky thuat giam phat thai do Cuc Trong trot ban hanh co luong khi phat thai 9.505 kg CO2 tuong duong 1ha/vu. Trong khi ngoai mo hinh, khong ap dung quy trinh phat thai 13.501 kg CO2, chenh lech phat thai trong va ngoai mo hinh la giam 3.996 kg CO2. Ngoai ra, rom ra sau thu hoach duoc dua ra khoi dong ruong. Day la cach giup giam phat thai khi nha kinh.
According to the Institute of Agricultural Environment, the pilot model applies a technical process to reduce emissions. The measured result is 9,505 kg of CO2 equivalent to 1 ha/crop. While outside the model, without applying the process, the emission is 13,501 kg of CO2, the difference in emissions inside and outside the model is a reduction of 3,996 kg of CO2. In addition, straw after harvest is removed from the field. This is a way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Hien 50 ha lua chat luong cao, giam phat thai o Soc Trang da thu hoach, nang suat dat tu 6,5 - 7 tan/ha. Tong san luong khoang 325 tan. Lua duoc doanh nghiep ky ket hop dong thu mua voi gia 10.800 dong/kg, cao hon cung ky nam truoc khoang 2.300 dong/kg.
Currently, 50 hectares of high-quality, emission-reducing rice in Soc Trang have been harvested, with a yield of 6.5 - 7 tons/ha. The total output is about 325 tons. The rice is contracted by enterprises to be purchased at a price of 10,800 - 11,000 VND/kg, about 2,300 VND/kg higher than the same period last year. Mr. Tran Tan Phuong - Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang province - said that the initial economic efficiency of the pilot model shows that reducing input materials does not affect rice productivity but also helps increase profits for farmers.


Lúa ngã rạp do mưa bão, nông dân lãi vẫn to


Dù bị ảnh hưởng bởi mưa bão, thế nhưng sau khi thu hoạch vụ lúa Hè thu 2024 nông dân Hậu Giang vẫn có lãi to nhờ giá lúa cao.

Theo chân đội quân cắt lúa lạ trên đồng


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Trồng lúa để tăng lợi nhuận, không phải bán tín chỉ carbon


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Growing rice for profit, not selling carbon credits


Growing rice to reduce emissions helps reduce production costs and increase profits for farmers, not sell carbon credits .