Precious documents inside the giant ship monument


Thanh Hoa - The project of the Memorial Area for Southern compatriots, cadres and soldiers who gathered in the North (including the ship monument) has been completed and displays many valuable documents.

Du an Khu luu niem dong bao, can bo, chien si mien Nam tap ket ra Bac duoc khoi cong vao thang 8.2022, tren quy mo dien tich hon 40.000 m2. Anh: Quach Du
The project of the Memorial Area for Southern compatriots, cadres and soldiers who gathered in the North was started in August 2022, on an area of ​​over 40,000 m2. Photo: Quach Du
Cong trinh co tong von gan 255 ti dong, trong do ngan sach tinh ho tro 76 ti dong, von ngan sach TP. Sam Son va cac nguon huy dong xa hoi hoa khac la gan 180 ti dong. Anh: Quach Du
The project has a total capital of nearly 255 billion VND, of which the provincial budget supports 76 billion VND, the budget of Sam Son city and other socialized sources is nearly 180 billion VND. Photo: Quach Du
Huong toi ky niem 70 nam don dong bao, can bo, chien si va hoc sinh mien Nam tap ket ra Bac, nganh chuc nang, cac to chuc doan the da tien hanh trung bay nhieu hien vat, tu lieu quy ben trong tuong dai con tau. Anh: Quach Du
Towards the 70th anniversary of welcoming compatriots, cadres, soldiers and students from the South to the North, functional sectors and mass organizations have displayed many valuable artifacts and documents inside the ship monument. Photo: Quach Du
Buc anh
Photo "Southern students' lunch in Sam Son". Photo: Quach Du
Nhieu buc anh, tu lieu quy duoc trung bay ben trong tuong dai con tau khong lo. Anh: Quach Du
Many valuable photos and documents about the people, cadres and soldiers from the South regrouping to the North are displayed inside the giant ship monument. Photo: Quach Du
Information about martyrs and heroes of the Vietnam Air Force who were students from the South. Photo: Quach Du
Nhung Huan, Huy Chuong duoc trung bay trong tuong dai con tau. Anh: Quach Du
Medals and Medals are displayed inside the ship monument. Photo: Quach Du
Nhung ky vat gan bo voi dong bao, can bo, chien si mien Nam tap ket ra Bac. Anh: Quach Du
Memorabilia associated with the people, cadres and soldiers from the South who gathered in the North. Photo: Quach Du
Nhieu nguoi dan, du khach den tham quan, chiem nguong khu trung bay luu niem ben trong tuong dai con tau khong lo. Anh: Quach Du
Many people and tourists come to visit and admire the souvenir display area inside the giant ship monument. Photo: Quach Du

It is known that the 70th anniversary of welcoming compatriots, cadres, soldiers and students from the South to the North (October 1954 - October 2024) and the inauguration of the Memorial Area will be held on the night of October 27, 2024, in Quang Tien ward, Sam Son city, Thanh Hoa province.


The Monument of the Train to the North in Ca Mau is about to be completed


Ca Mau - To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the North's regrouping, Ca Mau built a memorial monument complex with a budget of over 176 billion VND.

Traffic chaos in Ha Long due to traffic light problem


Quang Ninh - In Ha Long City, many traffic light systems are not working, causing chaos at important intersections, potentially causing traffic accidents.

The time when storm Tra Mi entered the East Sea and continuously increased in intensity


The meteorological agency forecasts that after entering the East Sea, storm Tra Mi will continue to strengthen, possibly reaching level 15 on October 26.

Gen Z trend of studying for a master's degree to "escape" pressure: Should we encourage it?


To cope with the pressures after graduation, many young people of Gen Z choose to study for a master's degree. However, this trend still causes much controversy about whether it is advisable or not?

Gold ring price is nearly 89 million/tael, big profit after 1 week of buying


Despite being at a record high, the price of gold rings is still rising rapidly. In the early afternoon of October 23, this item increased to nearly 89 million VND/tael.

The Monument of the Train to the North in Ca Mau is about to be completed


Ca Mau - To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the North's regrouping, Ca Mau built a memorial monument complex with a budget of over 176 billion VND.

Khẩn trương hoàn thiện tượng đài con tàu khổng lồ ở Sầm Sơn


Thanh Hóa - Dự án Khu lưu niệm đồng bào, cán bộ, chiến sĩ miền Nam tập kết ra Bắc (trong đó có tượng đài con tàu khổng lồ) hiện đang gấp rút hoàn thiện.

Tin sáng: Một xã xin xây tượng đài 88,5 tỉ đồng gây xôn xao


Hụt thu ngân sách vẫn xin xây tượng đài 88,5 tỉ đồng; Dự án đô thị lấn biển, quây núi vịnh Hạ Long giờ ra sao?...