According to the proposal of the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee on December 21, 2024, the Association for the Protection of People with Disabilities and Orphans, the Association for the Blind, and the Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin will be merged into the Protection Association.
At the same time, the Historical Science Association, the Economic Science Association and the Agricultural and Rural Professions Association will merge into the General Science Association.
In a locality with abundant revenue, spending the budget to "feed" many associations is unreasonable, let alone a poor province like Son La. Therefore, from 6 associations to 2, streamlining 4 associations means reducing many people, focusing resources to operate more effectively. There are many other associations, Son La needs to continue merging and streamlining.
Recently, Quang Binh has a plan to end the budget support for operating expenses of 20 associations from 2026, maintaining the operation of 17 self-funded associations.
I strongly support Quang Binh to end the "milk supply" that feeds up to 20 associations. However, I am still concerned that although 20 associations were cut, 14 associations are still maintained.
If Quang Binh also proactively merges the above associations like Son La did, it will streamline the local association organization and reduce the budget to "feed" too many people.
Other localities should also consider terminating the activities of some associations like Son La, and cutting the budget of 20 associations like in Quang Binh.
To streamline, the first thing is to evaluate what the associations have done over the years, whether they are really effective or not, and what benefits they bring to the community. Analyze fairly and make objective assessments.
Associations that operate effectively should continue, but must ensure their own funding and not use the state budget.
After all, a truly strong association is one that can "support" itself. If it is strong, it will attract many members and pay membership fees to operate.