Maximize the use of all legal regulations to benefit the people

Lê Thanh Phong |

Many projects across the country are "stalled" and cannot be completed and utilized due to issues with land clearance and compensation. There are transportation projects that are only a few hundred meters long but have been delayed for many years because agreements could not be reached with a few residents. Some projects are 80-90% complete, but the remaining parts cannot be resolved due to land issues.

Many projects are delayed, exposed to the elements, resulting in significant waste. Not stopping at waste, there are also complaints from those whose land is reclaimed who do not accept the compensation price. In many cases, local authorities are stuck in resolving issues, appealing to the central government, but still cannot satisfy the rights of the people.

The cause of the above situation is that the law has not yet adjusted all relationships related to land. The government wants to support the people, but there must be a legal basis, specific and synchronized regulations to ensure the implementation of land clearance and compensation for the people is done responsibly and in accordance with the law.

The Land Law 2024 has many provisions ensuring fairness, transparency, objectivity, and protecting the interests of those whose land is reclaimed. The specific and clear provisions of the law help the government to carry out land clearance more smoothly, and the people to enjoy better compensation policies and support.

With legal provisions, the government has a basis to carry out the task of compensation and land clearance to implement socio-economic development projects for national and public interests. People need fairness and transparency, so officials must understand the law well and follow the regulations to convince the people.

Based on the provisions of the Land Law to carry out land reclamation, the core spirit of the law must be to ensure the best interests of those whose land is reclaimed. People have to leave their old living places, so they must be compensated with benefits and suitable living conditions at the new place. Compensation by allocating land with the same usage purpose as the reclaimed land, monetary compensation according to the specific land price approved, compensation for damaged assets, and support for business owners who have to stop production due to land clearance.

By following the law and maximizing all regulations to benefit the people, the work of compensation and land clearance will certainly be faster and more convenient.

If the Land Law already has clear and specific provisions, but officials still shirk responsibility, causing projects to be entangled and stuck in land clearance work, then it should be clarified and those responsible should be dealt with.

Lê Thanh Phong

Hà Nội yêu cầu không quy hoạch trường học ở nơi khó giải phóng mặt bằng


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Bình Thuận - 2 trạm dừng nghỉ trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết vẫn chưa thực hiện giải phóng mặt bằng.

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Nhóm PV |

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Dự báo Nam Bộ sắp đón đợt mưa lớn


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