4 ways to help women take care of their eyes when using the phone a lot

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Health) |

Using the phone for long periods of time can cause blurred vision and affect eye health.

Mobile phones are an essential and indispensable item in modern life. However, using the phone too much and for a long time can have a negative impact on eye health.

In particular, blurred vision will affect the daily activities of housewives . To overcome this situation, the 4 measures below will help minimize the effects of using the phone for too long.

Blink often

One of the main causes of blurred vision when using a phone for a long time is due to a decrease in blinking frequency. When focusing on the screen, the eyes often blink less, leading to dry eye surface and blurred vision.

Blinking frequently helps regenerate the tear film, keeping the eye surface moist and reducing dry eyes.

To maintain the habit of blinking regularly, you can apply the 20-20-20 rule, which is every 20 minutes of work, take 20 seconds to look about 20 meters away and blink continuously. This method not only helps relax the eye muscles, but also reduces eye strain and fatigue.

Also, when using your phone for long periods of time, stop and close your eyes for a few seconds, blinking gently to re-moisturize your eyes.

Adjust the usage distance

The distance between your eyes and the phone screen also plays an important role in reducing eye strain.

Using your phone too close can make your eyes work harder to focus, causing strain and fatigue to your eye muscles. To avoid this, maintain a reasonable distance between your eyes and the screen, usually around 30 - 40cm.

Besides, you need to pay attention to adjusting the brightness of the phone screen to match the surrounding light.

Screens that are too bright or too dark can cause eye strain. Using "Night Mode" or "Blue Light Filter" is also a good solution to reduce blue light, helping to protect your eyes when using your phone at night or in low light conditions.

If possible, give your eyes a break after using your phone. This will help prevent blurred vision and future eye health effects.

Eye massage

Eye massage is a simple yet effective way to reduce eye strain and fatigue. Gently massaging around the eyes will help stimulate blood circulation, reduce pressure and increase eye moisture.

To perform eye massage, you can use your fingertips to gently massage in a circular motion around the eye area, from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Doing this for about 2-3 minutes each time will help reduce eye strain and improve blurred vision.

In addition, you can use a warm towel to cover your eyes after the massage, which helps relax the eye muscles and improve blood circulation. This method not only reduces blurred vision but also helps reduce dark circles and eye bags caused by stress.

Use eye drops

Eye drops are a fairly effective solution to soothe and protect dry or blurry eyes. Eye drops contain moisturizing ingredients that help restore the natural tear film, reduce dry eyes and prevent blurry vision.

When choosing eye drops, choose products that do not contain preservatives or dyes to avoid irritation. Using eye drops regularly, especially when your eyes feel dry or blurry, will help keep your eyes moist and maintain clear vision.

In addition, for those who regularly use phones or computers at high intensity, it is necessary to use eye drops daily under the guidance of an eye specialist to help protect the eyes from the negative effects of blue light and other environmental factors.

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Health)

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