5 reasons why children like to suck their fingers

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Thumb sucking is a common phenomenon in young children, why do children often do this?

Reasons why babies like to suck their fingers

Babies start sucking their fingers right from birth, some even learn this while still in the womb. Not only their fingers, babies often suck on objects around them such as toys, clothes... This habit makes children feel relaxed, safe, and cope with stress, anxiety, and boredom. Although thumb sucking is common and usually harmless, if the sucking force is strong and prolonged, it can significantly affect the development and arrangement of teeth in children.

At what age do children stop sucking their fingers?

Although there is no specific age, some children often stop sucking their thumbs at 6 - 7 months of age or as late as 2 - 4 years of age.

In fact, some children may continue this habit throughout childhood or beyond, especially when they are feeling stressed or anxious. If your child is still sucking his or her thumb after the age of 5, it is likely that this has become a habit, and parents should help their child break it .

How to stop thumb sucking in children

Identify the cause: When your child sucks his or her thumb too much, parents should pay attention to their child's emotions and behavior. By identifying the causes that affect your child's behavior, you can help your child limit thumb sucking.

Keep your child busy: To stop your child from sucking his thumb, keep his hands busy, such as playing with toys, drawing, or engaging in any games. These activities can divert his attention away from thumb sucking.

Praise your child: Praise and encourage your child when he stops sucking his thumb. Creating small challenges and rewarding your child when he completes them, such as challenges like one hour without sucking his thumb, one day without sucking his thumb... will make your child feel positive and motivated to give up this habit.

Provide your child with snacks: To help your child stop sucking his or her thumb, prepare some snacks that are easy for your child to chew, such as carrot sticks, apple slices, etc. Snacking will help your child not think about sucking his or her thumb.

Give gentle reminders: If your child is constantly sucking his or her thumb, instead of getting angry, give gentle reminders, and be consistent with them whenever you see them doing so. Avoid using harsh or shaming language, as this can lead to feelings of guilt or anxiety in your child. Instead, give gentle reminders in a supportive and encouraging way.

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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