The hospital replaced the aortic valve when it was not qualified


Dak Lak - Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital is a class III unit, not yet qualified according to regulations but still replaces aortic valves for patients.

On August 26, a source from Lao Dong Newspaper confirmed that the authorities of Dak Lak province are still investigating and clarifying the case of patient NTÂ's death at Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital after replacement surgery. percutaneous heart valve.

Fact finding shows that Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital is a class III hospital. Grade III hospitals are often ranked on par with district hospitals in provinces and cities.

In the list of types of medical examination and treatment issued by the Ministry of Health, class III hospitals can perform percutaneous aortic valve replacement. However, the conditions for implementation are that doctors must have enough credits according to current regulations, have expertise, and be guided and guided by a qualified person (qualified for surgery - PV).

In particular, in addition to these factors, to be eligible for percutaneous heart valve replacement surgery, the hospital must have previously successfully transferred the case. The hospital has detailed reports and is recognized by competent authorities.

"Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital has not yet successfully performed percutaneous heart valve replacement surgery for any case. Percutaneous aortic valve process for NT patients, facilities at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital Buon Ma Thuot still lacks and does not meet standards. This is a very dangerous shortcoming" - analyzed sources from Lao Dong Newspaper.

Regarding this issue, Mr. Vo Minh Thanh - Director of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy said that the hospital has not yet performed any successful percutaneous heart valve replacement surgery. That's why doctors at Bach Mai Hospital came in to handle patient NTÂ's case.

According to Mr. Thanh, the Department of Health still does not have enough information and arguments in this case. If the hospital does not perform aortic valve replacement surgery, aiming for the safety of the unit and avoiding risks, patients in Dak Lak will always return to Ho Chi Minh City for treatment. Because there is no unit in the province that can do it.

"The cruel thing about the medical profession is that not every surgery is successful. No one has any personal interests in this case, patients receive a lot of support... Errors in some administrative procedures is not the direct cause of the patient's death" - Mr. Thanh emphasized.

Previously, Lao Dong Newspaper reported the article "Patient died unexpectedly after aortic valve replacement".

On August 12, the Department of Health of Dak Lak province established a professional council consisting of 9 members to evaluate the case of Ms. Â's death.

According to the Dak Lak Department of Health, when complications or accidents occur, the indication for thoracotomy is not appropriate because there is no heart surgery team, no extracorporeal circulation and machines to support cardiac resuscitation. . The treating doctor has not performed a cardiac CT so the damage to the heart valve structure and myocardium cannot be assessed.

In addition, there are some errors in the consultation regulations such as the consultation process not following regulations, no consultation at the department, inter-department, or hospital-wide level before inviting experts, and no surgical consultation before surgery.

Mr. Vo Minh Thanh - Director of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital (Dak Lak) confirmed that Ms. Â's death at the hospital was objectively a professional accident among the team of doctors at Bach Hospital. Mai (Hanoi) comes in to handle and perform the procedure.

However, during the process of performing the procedure for the patient, the doctors made some mistakes. In addition, doctors from Hanoi to Dak Lak province did not have a prior notification program with the leaders of Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.

Currently, the Criminal Police Department, Dak Lak Provincial Police have verified the case of Ms. NTÂ's death after aortic valve replacement at Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.


Ngán ngẩm với quy trình thay van động mạch chủ ở Đắk Lắk


Việc bệnh viện ở Đắk Lắk mời bác sĩ từ Hà Nội vào thay van động mạch chủ qua da cho bà N.T. có nhiều thiếu sót, cho thấy sự tắc trách của êkíp thực hiện.

Công an vào cuộc vụ tử vong sau khi thay van động mạch chủ


Đắk Lắk - Cơ quan Công an đã vào cuộc xác minh vụ việc bà N.T. tử vong sau khi thay van động mạch chủ tại Bệnh viện Đại học Y dược Buôn Ma Thuột.

Lộ khuyết điểm vụ chết người sau khi thay van động mạch chủ


Đắk Lắk - Quá trình thay van động mạch chủ qua da khiến một bệnh nhân ở Đắk Lắk sau đó tử vong đã bộc lộ nhiều khuyết điểm, thiếu sót.

Bệnh viện Bạch Mai họp lần 2 liên quan đến bác sĩ mổ tim

Lệ Hà |

Bệnh viện Bạch Mai đã tổ chức họp lần thứ 2 để rà soát các văn bản liên quan đến ca tử vong sau mổ tim ở tỉnh Đắk Lắk.

BV Bạch Mai nói về việc bác sĩ tham gia ca thay van tim

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Liên quan đến trường hợp tử vong tại Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược Buôn Ma Thuột có bác sĩ Bệnh viện Bạch Mai tham gia, bệnh viện đang làm rõ vụ việc.

Đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích nhiều ngày tại Ninh Bình


Sau nhiều ngày tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích tại xã Kim Tân, huyện Kim Sơn (Ninh Bình).

Bất cập quản lý tiền công đức tại 2 ngôi đền ở Ninh Bình


Hiện nay, việc quản lý thu chi tiền công đức, dầu nhang tại đền Dâu và đền Quán Cháo (Ninh Bình) còn thiếu minh bạch.

Chủ tịch Tân Hoàng Minh được giảm 1 năm tù

Việt Dũng |

Ông Đỗ Anh Dũng - Chủ tịch Tập đoàn Tân Hoàng Minh được ghi nhận có các tình tiết mới nên được giảm án, bị hại duy nhất kháng cáo bị bác đơn.

Bored with the aortic valve replacement process in Dak Lak


The fact that the hospital in Dak Lak invited a doctor from Hanoi to replace the percutaneous aortic valve for Ms. NTÂ had many shortcomings, showing the irresponsibility of the implementation team.

Revealing flaws in a fatal case after aortic valve replacement


Dak Lak - The process of percutaneous aortic valve replacement that caused a patient in Dak Lak to later die revealed many shortcomings and shortcomings.

Bach Mai Hospital held the second meeting regarding heart surgeons

Lệ Hà |

Bach Mai Hospital held a second meeting to review documents related to deaths after heart surgery in Dak Lak province.

Bach Mai Hospital talked about doctors participating in heart valve replacement cases

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Regarding the death case at Buon Ma Thuot University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, a doctor from Bach Mai Hospital participated, the hospital is clarifying the case.