How to ensure your baby's food is nutritious


After six months of exclusive breastfeeding, babies can be introduced to solid foods. Here's how parents can ensure proper nutrition.

Important nutrients in an infant's diet

According to Dr. Preeti Nagar, Nutritionist at Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences (NIIMS) College and Hospital, India, there are some key nutrients that need to be included in the infant's diet.

- Protein: Essential for growth and development.

- Healthy fats: Important for brain development.

- Carbohydrates: Provide energy.

- Vitamins and minerals: Iron, calcium, vitamins A, C and D are essential for comprehensive development.

Parents need to look out for any signs of nutritional deficiencies in their children, including poor growth, excessive weight gain, lack of energy, changes in the health of the skin, hair or nails, says Dr Preeti Nagar.

Ensure adequate nutrition for your baby

According to Dr. Nagar, food choices should be based on the different stages of a baby's development. For example, at six months, parents can start feeding their baby iron-fortified cereals, pureed fruits and vegetables.

At 6 to 8 months of age, babies can be fed pureed meat, yogurt, and mashed beans. At 8 to 12 months of age, or for babies over a year old, parents can introduce soft foods such as chopped fruit, cooked vegetables, and soft cereals.

To ensure your baby's diet fully meets nutritional needs, parents can note the following:

- Vary the foods so your baby is exposed to different flavors and textures.

- Vary fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins regularly.

- Try different cooking methods like steaming, baking or mashing for added variety.


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