How to make aloe vera gel at home with 7 simple steps


Aloe vera gel has many benefits for health, from skincare to improving hair. Here are 7 simple steps to make aloe vera gel at home.

How to Make Aloe Vera Gel

Step 1: Harvest Aloe Vera Leaves

To make aloe vera gel at home, choose a thick, juicy leaf from a mature aloe vera plant. Select leaves that are green and not discolored or wilted. Mature aloe vera leaves (not too young or too old) contain the most gel.

Step 2: Remove Yellow Sap

After cutting the aloe vera leaf from the plant, wash it thoroughly to remove any dirt. Then, let the freshly cut leaf sit for a few minutes to allow the yellow sap to drain out. According to the Journal of Environmental Science and Health, in many cases, this yellow sap can cause skin irritation, so pay special attention to this step when making aloe vera gel.

Step 3: Cut the Leaf

Use a small knife or vegetable peeler to remove the thick outer skin of the aloe vera leaf. It is recommended to use 2-3 large leaves at a time when making gel at home.

Step 4: Extract the Gel

After peeling the leaf, use a small spoon to scoop out the clear aloe vera gel. Make sure not to leave any part of the aloe vera skin.

Step 5: Blend the Gel

Place the extracted aloe vera gel into a blender and blend until smooth. This will give the gel a uniform texture, making it easier to use for various purposes.

Step 6: Store the Gel

Pour the blended aloe vera gel into a clean container, seal it tightly, and store it in the refrigerator. The gel will stay fresh for up to a week.

Step 7: Add Preservatives

To extend the shelf life of the aloe vera gel beyond a week, you can add vitamin C or E to the mixture. This will increase the shelf life of the aloe vera gel to up to 2 months. Additionally, both ingredients contain antioxidants and anti-aging properties, which can provide numerous benefits for your skin.

Important Notes Before Using Aloe Vera Gel

- Before using aloe vera gel, test it on a small area of skin to check for any allergic reactions.

- Ensure the aloe vera gel is pure and free from chemical additives or preservatives.

- Although aloe vera gel can be applied to wounds or scraped skin, it is best to consult a doctor first.

- Consult a healthcare professional if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant.

- Store aloe vera gel in a cool, dry place to maintain its effectiveness.


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