Add more cancer treatment drugs to the health insurance list

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Currently, most cancer treatment drugs in public hospitals are not included in the insurance list, so patients buy the drugs themselves.

According to the Ministry of Health, with the goal of implementing universal health insurance, the Ministry of Health always focuses on building and perfecting health insurance policies, especially the drug benefit package to best meet user needs. patient's medicine.

Currently, Vietnam is considered one of the few countries with a relatively complete and comprehensive list of health insurance drugs, suitable for health insurance premiums.

According to Circular No. 20/2022/TT-BYT, the Ministry of Health has issued a list, rates and payment conditions for pharmaceutical chemicals, biological products, radioactive drugs and tracers within the scope of health insurance participants.

This list includes 1,037 active ingredients/pharmaceutical drugs and biologicals, divided into 27 large groups, and 59 radiopharmaceuticals and tracers.

In particular, there are 76 active ingredients/pharmaceutical drugs and biological products belonging to the group of cancer treatment and immunomodulatory drugs. This shows the Ministry of Health's interest in ensuring the rights of cancer patients.

In addition, the list of drugs under health insurance in Vietnam is recorded as the name of the active ingredient/ingredient, without recording the content, dosage form or trade name.

The selection of finished drugs paid for by the Health Insurance Fund at medical examination and treatment facilities is not limited by treatment indication, treatment specialty, acute or chronic diseases.

The Ministry of Health said that in the coming time, the Ministry of Health will continue to review, research, amend and supplement the Circular promulgating the list of drugs covered by the Health Insurance Fund, in order to expand the scope and ensure quality. amount of treatment for the patient.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health is presiding and coordinating with relevant units to develop a Circular regulating the direct payment of drug and medical equipment costs for patients with health insurance cards, in order to overcome the situation. medicine shortage due to objective reasons, ensuring the rights and treatment needs of health insurance participants.

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