Vietnam's organ transplant is not inferior to the world, but there are few donors


HUE - Organ transplantation in Vietnam is not inferior to the world, each year our country performs more than 1,000 cases, but the rate of brain-dead people donating tissues and organs is still low (only 6%).

Break the barriers

On August 3, Hue Central Hospital said that patient PTT (43 years old, in Quang Nam) who had just received a heart transplant is gradually recovering his health.

Previously, on July 17, upon receiving information from the National Organ Transplant Coordination Center that there was a brain-dead donor donating organs at Viet Duc Hospital, Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep - Director of Hue Central Hospital activated the event. The receiving team coordinated and sent 3 doctors to coordinate with Viet Duc Hospital and the National Organ Transplant Coordination Center to receive organs.

With the efforts of the doctors, after 4 hours and 52 minutes from the time of receiving the heart and transporting it to Hue Central Hospital, the "Hanoi heart" beat healthily again in the chest of the patient in Hue on at 11:01 p.m. on July 18.

Sharing after the success of the organ transplant , Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep said that in order to revive the life of PTT patients, the hospital's team of doctors would like to express their gratitude to the noble heart of the organ donor's family who overcame the disease. through pain and loss to sow life and happiness for the sick.

The noble gesture of the organ donor and his family leaves a great impression on those who directly perform professional work.

The patient who received a heart transplant at Hue Central Hospital has stabilized his health. Photo: Lan Huong.
The patient who received a heart transplant at Hue Central Hospital has stabilized his health. Photo: Lan Huong.

The Director of Hue Central Hospital said that reality shows that although many people understand very clearly that donating tissues and organs is a life-saving action, it is not easy to do because there are many barriers and beliefs from families, Family lineage and the spiritual thought that "death must be complete" are deeply ingrained in the subconscious.

From this death, another life is resurrected

"Watching young people of school age, young men in their beautiful youth but suffering from organ failure fighting for their lives every day, we can clearly see the preciousness of donating organ tissue after death. passed away.

At that time, a person's death is no longer meaningless, because from this death, another life is revived and their "giving is forever" becomes an example and motivation for others to live. learn, follow and replicate in the social community.

The magic of organ transplants not only comes from the outstanding success of medicine, but interwoven in them are humane stories about family love and human love" - ​​Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep shared.

GS. Dr. Tran Van Thuan - Deputy Minister of Health said that organ transplantation in Vietnam is not inferior to the world. Each year, Vietnam achieves about 1,000 transplants, improving Vietnam's position in the regional organ transplant map.

However, this field faces many challenges due to the limited source of organ donations, mostly from living donors; While in developed countries, the number of organ donations from brain-dead donors is higher.

Professor Thuan noted: "This requires us to change our thinking, especially in campaigning for organ donation. Medical units gradually build a team of professional consultants, identify potential sources for this team to approach, persevere, and gradually convince cases diagnosed with brain death... Up to now, Nearly 10,000 people registered to donate tissues and organs after the call of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the program "Register to donate tissues and organs to save lives - Giving is forever".


Thủ tướng Phạm Minh Chính thăm 3 bệnh nhân vừa được ghép tạng ở Huế


HUẾ - Ngày 6.4, trong chuyến công tác tại Thừa Thiên - Huế, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính đã đến thăm hỏi, động viên và tặng quà 3 bệnh nhân vừa được ghép tạng xuyên Việt tại Bệnh viện Trung ương Huế.

Bệnh viện Trung ương Huế trong 48 giờ lập 3 kỷ lục về ghép tạng


Huế - Ngày 5.4, GS.TS Phạm Như Hiệp - Giám đốc Bệnh viện Trung ương Huế cho biết, trong vòng 48 giờ, đơn vị lập 3 kỷ lục về ghép tạng.

Ghép tạng của Việt Nam phát triển vượt bậc nhưng còn nhiều rào cản

Lệ Hà |

Hơn 30 năm qua, kể từ ca ghép tạng đầu tiên (năm 1992) đến nay, các cơ sở y tế ở Việt Nam đã thực hiện thành công hơn 8.000 ca ghép tạng. Trong số đó, nhiều nhất là ghép thận, gan, tim, phổi; thận - tụy… Trình độ ghép tạng của Việt Nam ngang tầm khu vực và thế giới, nhưng hiện tỉ lệ người đăng ký hiến tạng sau chết não thấp, trong khi đó, danh sách chờ ghép tạng tại các bệnh viện ngày càng tăng.

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23 tàu du lịch vẫn ngâm nước biển vì khó tìm thợ trục vớt

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Quảng Ninh - Bão Yagi nhấn chìm 27 tàu du lịch, trong đó có 25 tàu tham quan, 2 tàu lưu trú. Hầu hết các tàu hiện vẫn ngâm trong nước biển vì khó tìm thợ trục vớt.

Cựu Bí thư tỉnh Bắc Ninh Nguyễn Nhân Chiến nhận hối lộ 4 tỉ

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Ông Nguyễn Nhân Chiến - cựu Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Bắc Ninh bị cáo buộc tạo điều kiện cho Công ty AIC và được bà chủ doanh nghiệp này cảm ơn nhiều tỉ đồng.