Bulges in the groin area affect children's development


HCMC - Birth defects can occur in all organs of the body, of which gastrointestinal birth defects are most common in children.

Baby Minh (character name has been changed, 5 years old, Ho Chi Minh City) was born about 1 month when his family discovered a bulge in the right groin area.

During the process of taking care of the child, the family noticed that the bulge became larger, accompanied by pain and discomfort when the child exercised vigorously.

After the examination, the doctors ordered an abdominal ultrasound, chest X-ray and performed a set of digestive surgery tests. The results showed that the patient had a right inguinal hernia.

Or the case of patient HNO (3 years old, living in Ho Chi Minh City) also had a bulge in the right groin area since he was 6 months old. Every time the baby cries, this bulge will begin to cause discomfort and increase in size, but because it does not affect the child's activities much, the family decides to continue self-monitoring.

However, after a while this bulge got bigger and bigger, so the family took the child to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed a right inguinal hernia.

TTTT. Associate Professor, Dr. Trieu Trieu Duong - Director of Surgery, Tam Anh General Hospital, said that gastrointestinal defects can be cured, with little impact on functional organs and development. In the child's future, recurrence can be minimized thanks to proper care after surgery.

If not diagnosed and treated promptly, the disease can cause abdominal infections, digestive disorders, slow growth, constipation, inability to defecate... or life-threatening complications such as intestinal necrosis.

Inguinal hernia is the most common congenital malformation among abdominal wall hernias. It is a condition in which one of the abdominal organs leaves its position and passes through the inguinal canal into the scrotum, increasing the pressure at the hernia.

The hernia will get bigger when walking or exercising vigorously, causing dangerous complications when the intestines fall down and compress the organs in the abdominal cavity, leading to intestinal necrosis. Inguinal hernias in children can occur on one or both sides, the rate of inguinal hernias on the right side is higher than on the left.

Most gastrointestinal malformations often have early, easily recognizable manifestations during pediatric care . A small number of cases are discovered late in adolescence and adulthood.

Inguinal hernia is one of the common birth defects, along with esophageal atresia, bile duct cysts, anal stenosis, rectal prolapse...

Symptoms of malformations will vary depending on the location of the abnormality from the esophagus to the anus. Advances in prenatal diagnosis help detect gastrointestinal defects, thereby helping families monitor, proactively examine and choose the appropriate time to increase treatment effectiveness.


Tăng tốc ghép gan cứu hàng trăm bệnh nhi


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Người dân TPHCM thích thú khi tận mắt thấy hàng trăm siêu xe

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